part 19

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Wilbur was a small bit shocked at his father’s offer, seeing as he has never gotten a free day before now. It made since though, due to the e fact Tommy was injured and Wilbur was incredibly stressed. “That… that would be nice. I’ll still try to get some paperwork finished, But I fear I may be distracted during meetings… this is quite stressful, especially with Tommy’s injury and the risk of infection or him hurting it further… it would be nice to stay with him until I know he’ll be ok…” he agreed, “if you won’t be too stressed out handling all that on your own. The governors and nobles can be quite a headache sometimes.” He joked, smiling shakily at his father.

They sat there for a bit longer, the soft breeze ruffling their hair and blowing against any loose bits of their clothing. Wilbur couldn’t help but relax from his previously tense state as he assured himself Tommy would be fine. Everything would be ok…

To make him less stressed, Philza would do anything. He wanted to see Wilbur smile again, like he had when he was a young boy. It had been awhile, as politics seemed to always drain it away.  "it will be fine Wilbur. I have dealt with them before" it wasn't his first time having to do this. Often when Wilbur first started taking his duties, he would occasionally have to step in for him.

As they stayed a little longer he smiled. It was clear, Wilbur cared for the young boy dearly. But soon he looked up and sighed. "I'll be in the meeting halls. If needed, don't bother knocking" he would normally say to knock or don't interrupt period, but he was letting that slide for the day.

Inside, Tommy had woken up, and looked around the room. Wilbur wasn't there? Figured. He thought the prince had gone to his meetings with the lords and ladies of the court. Sitting up he knew he was asked to take it easy, but.. Tommy never was one to truly listen for very long

Wilbur hummed, “I know….” He responded lightly, glancing up towards Phil. He smiles gently, hugging his father a bit tighter, “thank you… I’ll be sure to help you as much as I can after Tommy’s healing. And before, for that matter.” He promised. Wilbur was a small bit startled by the offer, used to his father insisting on knocking. He guessed this was a special occasion, since Tommy was hurt and such.

Wilbur started towards Tommy’s room, bringing some food and tea with him. He stopped by the medical ward to grab some medicine as well. He gently knocked before opening up the door. “Hey, Toms. I brought you some food, more tea, and some medicine if you need it.” He alerted tommy, a smile in his voice.

Tommy had been working on something, as he couldn't stay still. He was trying to move the furniture around in his bedroom, trying to make a bit more room there.  He had managed to move the bed, and wardrobe, and was just finishing with the small desk. He knew if someone came in, he'd get in trouble for it. He was told to stay in bed, and not do anything to injure himself. But he hadn't listened.

When Tommy heard Wilbur come in he whipped around with fright. he hadn't expected Wilbur to walk in like that, even though he did give a warning beforehand. The knock should if done something for him. But he hadn't heard it in time. As he now looked at the prince with scared eyes, he knew he would definitely be in trouble now.

Wilbur honestly wasn’t sure what he expected when he went to visit Tommy. He certainly knew what he both hoped and feared for, however. There was a horrifying image that kept conjuring up in the back of his mind. One of him walking in to find Tommy still and lifeless. It was improbable, though. It was just a shoulder wound, it would heal. He hadn’t even been that bad off when the prince first brought him to a medic. 

Wilbur shouldn’t be worrying this much, he really shouldn’t. He knew he would open the door and find Tommy either asleep or resting in the bed. Wilbur had made sure to bring him some books and more notebooks this time, along with everything else, just in case he got bored.

He was not expecting to open the door and see everything rearranged. He damn near dropped his tray, eyes wide as he looked around the room. “Toms…? Did you do this…?” He asked slowly, setting the tray on the bedside table before hurrying over to Tommy. “Your not hurt, right? You didn’t jostle your stitches?” He questioned, checking the shoulder gently to make sure he didn’t strain the healing wound or reopen it.

He let out a relieved sigh once he did. “Toms…. You need to be resting. I know you want to get up and do stuff, but you really need to rest. At least for the first few days… please.” He begged, looking into Tommy’s eyes with a pleasing look. “I’m not mad, please understand I’m not mad, but…. Just take it easy. For me?”

Tommy saw Wilbur had almost dropped the tray, and stepped back a bit scared. This wasn't the exact way he wanted to be caught, it was his first time he had disobeyed a direct order before from him. He didn't listen, and he thought he'd be punished for it. Though he knew Wilbur would never do that to him, he was to kind. It still scared him from past experiences he had gone through.

He hadn't hurt anything, he had made sure to be careful. As Wilbur checked his bandages and stiches, Tommy's eyes were wide with tears of fear. He calmed a bit down when Wilbur told him he wasn't in trouble. But he still felt like crying, because he didn't listen. He felt bad for not listening and causing stress for the prince.

"Sorry" he muttered as he looked to the floor. He just didn't want to sit around all day with nothing to do, and moving the room around, gave him something to pass a few hours by. He did look to the tray that had been set down and slightly smiled to see it. Wilbur had thought of him, and that was nice to think of. But he still felt in trouble.

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