Chapter 48 - The Devil brothers part II

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"Hello, Carson. I am Almorach."

I looked at him for a moment. "Err... Hello...?"

Was he another minion of Callahan? The vibes he was giving weren't really setting my heart in peace. What made me put off was his evil smile. I could look into his dark intentions through them. My insides were screaming at me to go away and all of my alarms were blaring loudly in my head.

But I knew even if I tried to run, it was impossible unless Callahan somehow came.

"You might haven't heard of me, but I used to be a good friend of Devionth." He looked hesitant but added, "Close even."

I looked at him with puzzled eyes as I asked, "Used to?"

He smiled again as the question left my mouth and it felt so scary that I wanted to run away.

"Yes but he tricked me!" He hissed as his facial muscles shifted all of a sudden. Anger was rolling off of him as I stepped back instinctively.

He must have sensed my fear as his expression changed again and he said, "I am sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He smiled.

Okay! This was getting pretty scary and funny at the same time. One moment he was angry and the next, he was smiling. His smile wasn't even reaching his eyes. He seemed like one of those psycho killers from those Hollywood movies.

I shrugged still wary of him. "It's okay. I can understand because he tricked me too."

"Oh!" He displayed a little shock but it vanished immediately.

He read my face probably thinking that I was bluffing. But I wasn't. Callahan did trick me to get a contract. I didn't know that time, words mattered when dealing with devils.

"That's sad." He portrayed a sad smile which didn't look like a sad smile at all. "How did he trick you?" He asked.

"Well, I didn't know that he was forming a contract and I said yes." I replied.

"Do you want to break the contract?" He asked with another evil smile as if he really wanted me to break the contract. I shuddered at the thought of breaking the contract. I didn't want to.

"Is there any way to break the contract?" I asked instead. I wanted to divert him from that topic.

"Of course." He nodded. "There are a few..."

He scratched his chin with his long nails which looked more like claws. Then he said, "Such as: if the contract wasn't fulfilled, the contract breaks. Or, if you die before completing the contract, the contract breaks."

Okay, that wasn't pretty assuring at all.

"Or, if you formed another contract with another devil." His eyes glinted evilly as he mentioned that.

I could already tell which option he chose and now I was hundred percent sure that this person was that enemy. If he was the one who was trying to attack on Callahan's subjects that meant he just wanted to either kill me or snatch me away so Callahan felt broke. That was what he wanted.

The way he said Callahan tricked him meant he only wanted his revenge.

Which I couldn't let happen.

I nodded. "I see."

I needed something to get him distracted so Callahan would come in the meantime because I knew he had already sensed Almorach even if he was far away. Like he sensed his presence when he attacked Avaloth.

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