Start from the beginning

As for the previous two months, Ace, Max, Carmen, and Vera stayed here with me and Joselyn had gotten along with them well. Ace had even found a newfound love for chicken adobo, that he had to get the recipe written down for him.

Though this household became a safe haven for us, it wasn't long until the rest of the mafia felt that they yearned to see the world. The hideaway slowly dwindled them, the past sending them reeling into haunting resent for what had happened to Dixie. Eventually it did with me again and again the longer she was far away from me, though I lost the thrill of travelling. It drained out of me the very moment we sailed away. All I ever did think about was the next thing I'd say to her, and that stuck with me the rest of the months here on this island. If I didn't get these words out somehow, Lord only knows how chaos would have me crumbling to my knees if I hadn't.

When Jocelyn walked out of the living room and into the kitchen, I turned back to the paper writing one last thing at the bottom. 'I miss you,' I wrote, dropping the pencil to the table before I sighed once more, burying my face in my hands as I felt myself break when the warm tears came.

[[ MAX. ]]


Vera and I sat poolside off a cliff edge, where Vera beside me had read into a copy of 'The Beautiful And Damned' by F. Scott Fitzgerald. She wore a floppy blue sun hat and laid on my chest as I playfully tapped the tip of her hat as she glanced up at me.

"Hey." The black haired girl joked, playfully squinting her eyes.

I looked into her eyes for a lingering moment, as a small smile then played on her lips. All it had really taken was a glance before she dog-ear-ed the page she was on, closing the book as she tucked it into her crocheted bag.

"Well by all means, you didn't have to stop reading." I chuckled, smirking at the girl suggestively.

"Not when you're looking at me like that, and plus I think Anthony Patch can wait. He's got the french girls on his bathroom wall to attend to."

"What?" I asked, both of us laughing.

She shook her head, exhaling. "Never-mind. Did you want to head up?"

"I do actually."

Vera intertwined her fingers with mine, leading the way as she jingled the hotel key in the other hand. As soon as we stepped into the elevator, I had leaned in to kiss her as her back pressed against the wall. She started to kiss down my neck, smiling through the shower of kisses when I had snickered looking over at people who had walked past us before I pressed the button to the fourteenth floor repetitively until the doors closed. Though the number of times we had ended up in this place was countless, it had felt like the first time all over again. When we ran away from everything, when freedom tasted like this.

As we headed into the master suite, the view alongside crystal windows promised the brightest and bluest ocean that went for miles. Our lips never once parted, as I tenderly made out with her, my fingers grazing her lower back in deep passion as I gently laid her down onto the maroon silk sheets. Though the dark haired girl needed no guidance from then, a soft moan leaving her lips.

My hips lowered onto hers, our legs entangling. She gasped softly, a soft giggle leaving her lips when my hardened dick had brushed her inner thigh slightly. Vera had tilted my chin so my gaze locked with hers, as her other hand had palmed my throbbing member underneath my shorts slowly, as her lips parted when I had held a moan back.

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