"It was all a part of 'his' plan."

"Whoever he was talking about was plotting to split Toman up, and Osanai just got used."

'Wait... then could Kiyomasa-kun be being manipulated too?' Takemichi silently wondered in his mind as he looked back towards Mikey and Peh-yan as another figure entered the scene.

"Wow, I'm impressed." Meiko tensed up hearing the familiar bored tone of the speaker as the older male slowly walked up behind Mikey. "Guess you're not just brawn after all." The male hummed to himself, as Mikey turned to look at the newest arrival unimpressed. "How dull."

"The hell are you supposed to be?" Mikey asked, blankly staring at the teen.

"That's..." Meiko gasped, causing the teens to look at her confused.

"Do you know him, Mei-nee?" Takemichi asked, noting how his sister's body tensed and her tired gaze became alert as she almost shifted in her place.

Taking a quick drag for his cigarette before exhaling the familiar teen responded, "Tired." Before walking out from under the umbrella one of his men had held over his head to fully stand before Mikey. "It really doesn't matter who I am. But I'm sorta in charge of Moebius for now." A smirk slowly formed on his lips as he pulled a familiar hair ornament out of his pocket and flashed it to Mikey. Watching with a twisted sense of glee as he noted the slight widening of Mikey's eyes and the tensing of the males muscles as he registered the item in his hand. "Though I'm sure Meiko-chan wouldn't mind telling ya, who I am?"

"HANMA!" Meiko snapped trying to rise to her feet, as Takemichi turned to try and stop his sister.


"You bastard! It was you wasn't it!" She yelled, "You were the one who-"

"Hey now~" Hanma grinned looking over the top of Mikey towards the glaring girl. "If it isn't my new favorite chicky." His grin spread as he noticed a slight twitch from Mikey. "Look. At. You." He whistled slowly, "Gotta say... I'm diggy, the whole battle worn look you're rocking now, it's actually pretty hot." He taunted, "Makes me kinda sad I wasn't the one to put you in that state after you almost broke my nose during our pleasant little chat from earlier." He smiled, as Meiko someone pushed Takemichi off her to fully stand back up.

"Chat!? You cancer sucking zombie, you tried to-"

"Meiko!" Takemichi concerndly snapped trying to hold his sister back as she flipped the male off, 'What the heck?! Just what happened between her and this guy!' Takemichi could not help but mentally scream and wonder to himself as Meiko struggled against his hold. 'Just what in the actual hell!? First Mikey, then Kiyomasa, then Osanai, and now this guy! I'm starting to think my sister's some sort of danger magnet!'

Clenching his fist by his side, Mikey darkly glared up at the taller male as he took in everything he had just heard. "So... Not only are you the creeper who's been pulling the strings. But you even tried something with Ei-chan."

Smirking down at the shorter teen Hanma responded, "Wow, you seriously are a pain in the ass, Mikey-"



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