"But the day and hour we don't," I said in a wise tone, sounding weird as I did so.

"You are getting smart." He chuckled and slapped my ass as I crossed his face on my path to the washroom

"Fuck you," I hissed at the pain and pleasure it caused on my backside and slammed the door to shut out his annoying laughter.

I did my business and brushed my teeth to rid them of whatever stale breath was left from the barbecued chicken of the previous night. Rinsing my face, I wiped it with a towel and was about to exit when I heard a knock and voices.

When all seemed quiet, I stepped out of the washroom to see Dante gone with the bed made and duvet well folded. I shrugged it off and concluded he was called for something important hence these past three days he never left without a morning kiss and some groping.

I flushed at the memory because though we came off to be taking things slow, he never failed to let me know who owned my body with the way he ran his hands along every curve and dip of my form.

Deciding I should have a bath, I selected a thin strapped dress which wasn't much for roaming around the mansion and would help me look presentable if I was to meet anyone important.

This was something that had begun to happen as the day before and the previous, The Alpha of the Darkmoon pack together with his mate, and officials came to visit unannounced to congratulate Dante on finding his mate. Thank the heavens I was well dressed, in a yellow print skirt and a long-sleeved turtleneck black blouse, when they showed up.

Yesterday was no different as a few elders from the Bloodmoon pack came over to discuss a possible alliance and to put a stop to their long-term undefined feud.

I produced black flat sandals to go with my dress and strolled to the bathroom where I closed the door and did the needful. Emerging after, I was confronted with the view of breakfast and got dressed before checking out what I was having.

Contemplating if I should wait for Dante's return, I shrugged it off as my stomach grumbled in offense thus it might take a while before came back. On the other hand, the cook could always get him something whenever he wanted.

The decision made, I dived in and munched on what was served before downing it with a cup of tea. Done with that, I commenced contemplating strategies to help substantiate my worth to the pack members.

Dante had said I had no reason to, hence they had no choice but to love me, rather I was hell-bent on revealing to them I wasn't just Dante's arm Candy. I'd been improving my knowledge by reading more books like I was doing now. The one in my palm was titled 'The first werewolves, or should I say Lykans.'

It was an interesting read and opened my mind to their history and how they evolved with time. The idea occurred to me to inquire Dalia about how soon I could meet with Luna's of other packs aside from Luna Racheal who was mated to Alpha Micah of the Darkmoon pack.

I needed all the information I could get about adjusting to this huge role, and who is better to teach and guide me than those who had walked in these shoes before me. It would have been easier if Dante's mother was still breathing thus she would have been the one to show me the ropes. However in the case that she was dead, I had to seek data elsewhere.

Dalia was smart as I'd stated severally and she was in no doubt helping me the much she could, nonetheless, there were limits to her expertise in certain occurrences and so I hoped she wouldn't mind me asking.


They say time flies when you are doing nothing and that was what happened as I was propped on the bed reading, having no idea it was time for lunch until my stomach growled in hunger. Peering at the clock, I observed it was 2 pm and Dante hadn't been seen.

Instead of soliciting lunch to be brought to me, I chose to trace my way to the kitchen to have a little chat with the cook and hoped she'd let me make my own meal just this once. I folded the page of the book I was reading, clamped it to position on the lampstand, and rose from the mattress to stride in the path of the door.

I stepped out into the hallway and nodded at Tony as I diverted in the direction of the kitchen. At the staircase, I was met by Abigail who glanced at me in bewilderment.

"Anything the matter Luna?" She questioned falling into step with me.

"Nothing is the matter, Abigail," I scoffed. "I'm simply headed to the kitchen to get what to eat."

"Why don't you relax while I go get it for you?" She invited, crossing my face to pause my movements. "Simply say what you'll like to have and I'll bring it."

"Abigail, the doctor said you need rest, which was why I relieved you of your duties, so please kindly do me a favor and rest?" I raised a brow as I spoke. "I've been here for more than a fortnight so I know my way around."

"I know Luna, it's just that I'm bored, sitting in the room all day and doing nothing can drive a woman crazy," she whined and I cackled.

"Welcome to the club, my friend." I patted her encouragingly on the shoulder. "But go find something else to do, you aren't needed by me at the moment."

At that, I left her pouting and continued on my route. I was almost past Dante's office when I heard him speaking to someone. The door wasn't closed tightly which made it easier to hear him well without pressing my ear to it.

He sounded angry as he spoke, and the second voice came off as that of a female with no familiar ring to it. Curiosity got the better of me as I inched closer to peep through the space and listen in.

Dante happened to be sitting and I was right, it was a woman but she was standing with her back to me so I couldn't see who it was. Their conversation reached me as their tones grew louder.

"What are you waiting for, why don't you reject her?" She queried.

"I take orders from no one, and especially not you," Dante's chilly voice responded.

"You haven't mated with her yet and rumors have it that she hasn't been marked so it's clear to everyone that you don't want her," she argued. "Put an end to all these shenanigans by rejecting her, besides she won't be hurt hence she's human."

I couldn't take it anymore after hearing that and instead kicked the barrier open with my feet. The wood banging on the wall announced my entry and switched their attention to me.

"I should have known it was you, Courtney," I smiled wickedly as jealousy as I'd never felt before flowed through me at the sight of the female in jean shorts and a pink spots bra. "What's it to you?"

"So the rumors are true," she returned my energy, her eyes blazing in fury. "Aren't you worried that he may not want you? It's been three weeks and he hasn't made his property known to the whole male population."

"Again I ask, what's it to you?" I implored and wandered to stand where Dante sat. A smile curled my lips as his arm wound around my waist.

"Just a concerned pack member and considerate female," she sneered, glowering at Dante's hand. "I wouldn't want what happened to me to be repeated on someone so naive."

"Ha," I snorted and leaned towards her. "You see sweetheart, that won't happen."

"And what gives you that confidence?" She scoffed in query.

"Because I'm his mate, and you are not," I snickered but the laughter hung in my throat when I spotted her fingers elongate into claws and her eyes turned a shade darker.

"Courtney!" Dante called in command and that seemed to snap her out of whatever state she was in but that didn't help my panic. "The next time you do such a thing, you won't have a pack to belong to."

"Tanya is my mate and there's nothing you or anyone could do or say to make me reject her," he growled, rising to his full height. "She is also your Luna and from today I demand your respect towards her or you'd have me to answer to."


Werewolf In The WoodsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora