stirring the pot

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that voice, suprisingly belonged to idris.

"who? me?" i asked, in shock.

"no, jack." idris laughed. "of course you. if that's okay with you bro?" he gestured towards jack.

"yeah mate. do what you've got to do." jack grimaced as he reluctantly let go of my waist.

"oh okay, yeah. thank you." i kissed jack as i stood up and hugged idris as a thank you.

beach hut-
jack- definitely not ok with me. not ok (he laughs). this place man. i just want my girl back.

kieran ended up picking georgia and we got took to a little outdoor space with two tables set up with bottle of champagne and wine. as dates go this was not bad.

idris pulled out the chair for me to sit down on.

"are you suprised that i picked you?" he asked me as i sipped my drink.

"very, actually." i told him.

"really? why?"

"just because we haven't really spoken and based on laura and georgia i didn't really think i was your type." i confessed.

"well, whats not to like." idris flirted with me.

"so you're from birmingham, as well?" i asked him as we started to eat.

"yep. brummie through and through. you haven't really got a strong accent though if i'm honest." he said.

"thank you!" i let out exuberantly. "i've been trying to say that to jack for weeks." i laughed.

"how's that all going then?" idris asked.

"yeah, really well actually. i really like him and i think he really likes me so its just blossoming at the moment." i smiled.

3rd person pov

meanwhile, back at the villa, jack and sam were sat by the pool.

"sam, i dont are what anyone says. this is not ok. it will never be ok." jack said.

"we've just seen the girls we like get taken on dates, before they've even been out with us and there's nothing we can do about it. that is not ok." sam added.

"fuck sake man. i am stressed." jack sighed.

"what? you think nat's head will get turned?" sam enquired.

"naa, not so much that. mre so i dont trust idris. i've barely spoke to the geezer."

"yeah, true. if there's been a kiss mate, i'm gonna have to fucking flip." sam said.

"pft." jack sort of laughed, knowing he'd been on the recieving end of it last time.

natalie's pov

"do you not think you've settled quite quickly?" idris asled me.

"hm no, i dont think so. why? you seem to be hinting at something." i laughed.

"well, it's just i watched georgia and jack's date." he started.

"yeah?"i prompted him.

"what i saw, in my opinion, it seemed like he went for the kiss. thats why i think you've settled maybe." he revealed.

"what? jack went in for the kiss woth her?" i confirmed.


my face dropped. there were a million thoughts running around my brain.

"what the fuck?" i gasped. i messed with my hands and my hair trying to think of something to say or do.

we were told not long after that, that we needed to head back into the villa. i'd sorted through those thoughts racing around and decided i was angry. angry and hurt but mainly angry, very angry.

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