(Extra) Chapter 11 - First Kisses

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A few weeks after returning to Liyue from Mondstadt, Xingqiu and Chongyun were spending the afternoon outside Chongyun's house, trying to stay out of the burning heat.

Chongyun gripped a parasol in one arm and a popsicle in the other, with Xingqiu huddled next to him for the shade. With a book in hand, he read it aloud to the both of them. 

After a while, Xingqiu closed the book and sat up straight next to his now boyfriend with the book neatly set across his lap.

"Other than the temperature, it's a nice day out, wouldn't you say, Chongyun?" He asked the other quietly.

"Mmhm. It is rather peaceful today. Probably because Hu Tao is out of town today..." he muttered, gaining a chuckle from the other.


All throughout their short conversation, their faces continued to move closer together until their lips were almost touching.

Right before they hit contact though, Chongyun pulled away fast and Xingqiu opened his eyes, staring at the other in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry Chongyun, is this too soon? I just thought it'd be alright, the tension is unbearable." He laughed nervously.

"N-no, it's not too soon! I mean, that's not why I stopped you." He said.

"How come then?" Xingqiu asked, expecting the worst.

"It's because of my Yang Energy. I'm just scared of such a passionate act riling up my constitution, not to mention the rising temperature." He explained, his face bright red and flustered.

"Kissing doesn't always have to be passionate, my liege. I think we're far too new to this anyways to attempt that. But if you want to wait until later, we certainly can." Xingqiu smiled.

"I want to kiss you though, I really do!" Chongyun sighed, taking a bite of his popsicle.

"But the weather isn't agreeing with me today. I'm already feeling too hot, and I'm prone to more little outbursts like that one."

"Do you want to go inside and try then?" Xingqiu offered.

"Yes. Augh, this is embarrassing..."

"What has gotten into me lately?" Chongyun thought. "I'm not usually so bold. It must be the weather..."

His eyes drifted to his companion, holding his hand and guiding him inside to his room.

"Or maybe... it's him."

The two sat on Chongyun's bed and faced each other, both waiting for the other to do something.

"So how does this work?" Chongyun asked quietly.

"Well from my understanding..."

Xingqiu put both of his hands on either side of his lover's face, the ruffles of his sleeves tickling his neck.

"You're supposed to put your hands somewhere first..."

Chongyun contemplated the thought before wrapping his arms around the other's waist.

"Like this?" He asked innocently.

"Mmhm. Then you kind of just..."

Xingqiu closed the space between them, clumsily putting his lips on his for a moment.

Neither of them closed their eyes, amber staring at confused ice blue ones.

They awkwardly pulled away, looking anywhere but at each other.

"Sorry, the only knowledge I have of it is the likes I read of in books." Xingqiu admitted.

"So he does read those kinds of books." Chongyun thought, mentally eye rolling.

"What if we just... do what we think is right?" He suggested.

"That works." Xingqiu smiled, re-situating himself.

This time, he clasped the other's hands in his, and slowly moved towards the other.

"Just make sure you stay calm, okay Xingqiu? I wouldn't want to ruin this with another episode..."

"I will, don't worry my leige."

Once again, their lips were together, but this time it felt far more natural.

Xingqiu brought one of his hands up to the side of the other's face and pulled away a short distance only for Chongyun to kiss him again.

"I thought we had to stay calm." Xingqiu murmured playfully against his lips.

Chongyun gave no reply other than leaning  further towards the other.

Soon after, they both pulled away, out of breath.

Xingqiu slowly opening his eyes and admired his boyfriend's face, how gorgeous his blue lashes were and how they fell nicely against his pale skin. 

It wasn't long before the other peeked one eye open, then the other, both of them resting on the bright amber ones in front of him.

They both just glanced at each other for a bit in silence before Chongyun enveloped him in a slow hug.

"Thank you Xingqiu." He said, his voice muffled in the other's shoulder.

"But of course, my liege. I thank you too. I think we did exceptionally well for our first kisses, yes?"

Chongyun nodded into his shoulder.

"Good." He giggled, hugging the other back.

"Though I have to ask, you seemed to take control for a bit. I thought you said it would rule your condition."

"It's already rather hot in here, I probably wouldn't have made it if we had done it outside."

"Does that mean you want to go back outside now?"


"What if I read to you?

"...I guess."



Btw I'm working on another Xingyun story right now, so be on the lookout for that if you're interested!

It's not a sequel, but it's still set in the genshin universe

Hope to see you guys there!


💧Melt ❄️ (Xingyun)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon