Chapter 2 - Oblivious

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Not long after they had arrived at Wanmin Restaurant and ordered, Chongyun excused himself to go speak to Xiangling. He was still confused about the previous events, so he decided that one of his many pyro friends might be of assistance

"Um, Xiangling? Can I ask for your help with something?" He asks, entering the kitchen.

"Ooh! Are you ready to test something spicy? I've got some new seasonings that need testing!" She exclaims, as if the very idea of his condition simply did not exist.

"Um, no. It's about Xingqiu," the blue-haired boy begins, sitting down on a stool well away from the pot Xiangling is cooking with. "I've been having trouble with him lately."

The initial shock of the sentence made the pyro girl turn away from her cooking, causing Gouba to be confused as to why she suddenly stopped.

"Oh no, what happened?" She asked.

"You misunderstand me, he didn't do anything bad! It's a different kind of trouble..."

Xiangling simply nods in response, going back to cooking while waiting for Chongyun to continue.

"Recently, there have been weird occurrences whenever I'm around him. I just can't seem to find out why they're happening, so I thought you might know how to help me. You seem to be good with people and feelings. I'm obviously not very good with them." He says shyly.

"Alright, I'll give it my best!" She says, beaming at the compliment. "What are the weird things that have been happening? Those might be able to help me."

Chongyun nods, thinking back to past events. "Alright."

"First of all, certain comments he makes or close contact makes my face feel really hot, and my stomach gets that feeling when you let go of your wing glider in the air. I have to calm myself down every time it happens to stay at normal temperature."

"Okay, that's, kind of normal. I suppose he does tease you often. Some things he says might make you feel embarrassed or flustered." She says slowly, mulling over what he told her.

"Also, there have been recent situations where he's in closer contact with me, usually of his own choosing."

"Can you give me an example?" She asks.

"Hmm... A couple weeks ago he asked me to read to him. In the end, I complied and read a book he chose to him. He was leaning against me and reading over my shoulder the whole time, which made my whole body feel really hot. Oh, and today I fell asleep when I went out to train because I hadn't gotten proper rest last night. When I awoke, he was..." He stops, suddenly at an abrupt loss for words.

"He was what?" Xiangling prodded, getting more and more invested in the discussion.

"Ahm, well..." He stutters and trails off, covering the blush on his face.

"Well what!" The girl exclaims. "What'd he do?"

"When I woke up, he was on top of me. He said it was because he'd never seen me so peaceful before, but... he didn't seem too confident in his answer. Afterwards, he rushed us here to change the subject. I fear that maybe," he pauses to ponder his next words.

"Yes?" Xiangling's voice increases in volume, thinking she already knows what he'll say.

"-He might be possessed, or something of the sort." Chongyun finishes, sounding as if he's really got the answer.

Xiangling's face changes to a concerned expression. Did he really think that he was possessed?!

"That's not it!" She says loudly, causing Chongyun to jolt in his seat.

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