Chapter 6 - arrival p. 2

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By morning, like every time when they slept next to each other, they were tangled up.

Xingqiu's legs were intertwined with Chongyun's, and Chongyun's hand had moved throughout the night to rest comfortably on Xingqiu's waist.

Xingqiu was awake first to witness it, and blushed at the contact. He made a move to sit up, but the cryo user's gloved arm tugged at him to stay down.

"Chongyun, we should be leaving soon." Xingqiu smiled, poking his face and getting a mumbled whine in return.

Chongyun slowly opened his eyes to see the other, and sat up quickly when he saw where his arm had been, Xingqiu following suit.

"I'm guessing you had better rest last night?" Chongyun asked to break the silence.

The navy-haired boy nodded. "Much better. Though almost everything is better with you to keep me company." He chuckled.

Chongyun's face lit up a rosy pink and he turned away to occupy himself.

"Oh, did I fluster you Chongyun? That seems to happen to you quite often these days, now doesn't it? Mind telling me why?"

Chongyun thought of a response whilst he pulled on his sweatshirt, unfortunately only drawing blanks.

"W-well, this new climate could be arousing my Yang energy, which often results in my face growing red. That's a possibility."

At this Xingqiu looked downcast, but plays it off with a smile and an, "Ah, I see" before leaving the tent to go put his own clothes on.

Chongyun's heart felt heavy as he witnessed it all, feeling bad he couldn't tell Xingqiu right then.

"I must stay faithful to my plan." He thought as he finished changing and packing up. "Xingqiu, I promise this is all for a good reason..."


Well into the afternoon, the duo were passing DragonSpine.

Chongyun felt relief as soon as the cold air could be felt, while Xingqiu started to shiver and held his arms tight, wishing for once he had a nice pair of pants rather than shorts.

While he was trying to take his mind off the cold, he felt Chongyun's hands fastening his jacket around his shoulders.

"Here, put your arms out."

Xingqiu did as he was told, and the other slipped his jacket up and around his puffy sleeves and fastened the buttons.

"I know it's not much, but it's all I can give you." He said sheepishly.

"Don't apologize, dear Chongyun. It's the thought that counts." Xingqiu replied, and hugged the jacket tighter.

The rest of the walk past DragonSpine, Xingqiu was off in his own little world, inspecting the jacket before he inevitably had to give it back.

It was still in good condition, despite the other having fought monsters in it before, and he noticed quickly that its scent was of the other boy.

He blushed thinking about it, and how if they were already dating he could just ask for the sweatshirt anytime he wanted.

"That'd be nice." He thought to himself.

Exiting DragonSpine, both travelers were upset for different reasons: Xingqiu had to give back the sweatshirt, and Chongyun had to deal with the warmer weather again.

"Here, Chongyun. I suspect you'd want it back by now, huh?" Xingqiu said as he gently took off the garment and gave it back to the cryo boy.

Chongyun nodded in thanks, slipping it back on.

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