1 ~ I wish I had a time machine

Start from the beginning

With a sharp intake of breath and muttering some words of confidence and encouragement, I stepped in. The reception came into my view and I saw some faces passing me a look of recognition but my eyes were desperate to see her deep brown eyes only. The seductive glance of the lady sitting in front of me was of no help in my current situation. Can't she just understand that I am not interested? Had it been the man who Princess never met then I would have enjoyed it but now every female species which was not HER did nothing to my insides. I just drummed my fingers on the glass to indicate my impatience and she took it as her clue to guide me further.

"So Mr. Raichand, you have to meet the CEO directly today as you have passed all the other rounds of the interview procedure. Take the lift to your right and go straight to the 40 th floor" she said and I wasted no time in picking up my black folder and pushing past my way to the said floor.

The thick silence on the floor, unlike the reception, made me perspire. No other situation would have been this stressful yet gleeful for me. Today I think I am contradicting myself now and then.

A young lady dressed in formals approached me and started guiding me but I couldn't concentrate. I was yearning to see her. With steady steps and confident eyes, I knocked on the door of the cabin where it was written in bold 'MEERA (Chief Executive Officer & Chairperson)'

I was undoubtedly proud of her achievements. She was more successful than any man on this earth but the absence of 'Raichand' surname after her name did not go unnoticed by me.

"Come in" A cold and firm voice spoke.

I entered inside to see the most beautiful woman in the world sitting on the chair of authority working on the laptop, least concerned about her surroundings. The elegant cabin was modern yet so royal that one can feel the thrill of being in the presence of her highness.

"Have a seat and then keep on admiring" her sharp words hit my ears and I stopped looking around and propped down on the lavish chair. She had still not raised her head to see me. Can she not sense my presence like in the old times? Has she wiped me out from her memories?

NO! This ain't possible.

"Give me five minutes more and then we will start," she said and I nodded as I knew she wasn't expecting an answer. It was a command after all. Mind me, in this complete goddamn world if anyone has the right to order me and that too in this tone then it is her. The one sitting right in front of me in a white crisp collar shirt and grey pants. So fudging hot!!!! I have to stop looking at her or I won't be able to control myself.

She was asking for five minutes and here my complete lifetime was reserved for her.

Only her.

After exactly five minutes, she looked up. Her brown orbs met my black ones and I thanked the heavens for quenching the thirst of my eyes after ages. She kept on looking at me for a minute then said

"So Mr. Raichand, Right?"

Her pure professional tone made me clench my fist to control my emotions. Her voice held so much authority that I have never heard before. I have to win her back. Baby steps Raichand, Baby steps!

"Yes ma'am" I answered in a similar tone.

"I see you are among the two candidates who have cleared all the 3 rounds of interview and are at the final step. So there is no point in asking questions related to your theoretical expertise" she said. She was talking like I am some stranger. Princess?

She was interviewing me despite knowing that I am a businessman myself who can steal her secrets is something which people might avoid and secondly it was so formal as if she doesn't know anything about me whereas she is the only one who knows what goes inside my mind just by a glance. People could read my eyes but she could read my soul.

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