"Fine since you want to, I'm here to discuss about my share in the project." He leans behind while folding his leg on top of another one, his tattooed hand resting near his thighs and his face relaxed as ever. Taehyung raises his eyes at that, he thinks they had already decided about it but that was through mail so it was proper if they talked face to face. "50 yours 50 mine, its half half?" Taehyung replies with raised brows and Jungkook scoffs at that.

"Taehyung dear, your daddy dearest had called me and said that sixty percent was going to be mine, that was why I agreed on to this deal or else why would I make so many efforts? I have a branch here and there are tons of people begging for collaborations, I came here because of that." Taehyung fowned at that statement? He felt his eyes going red because his father did what now??? He was fucking speechless? How could anyone do something like that? He offered him more than half of the share knowing it would cause some damage to his companies finances. It was nothing huge but again it was unfair and he couldn't help but feel angry because his own people are determined to make him weak.

Taking a deep breathe in, Taehyung tried to negotiate...let's highlight the word 'try' because he forgot who he was dealing with. "No? I won't agree to all of that just stop trying to change your statement and give me my share." Jungkook replies back when the older tried to negotiate with a peaceful mind. As time ticks by Taehyung feels very very angry, he doesn't know why. Maybe because of the fact that younger is so stubborn or maybe just because he is pissed at his father.

He never liked that man, well let him correct his statement. He loathed that man yet he couldn't do anything in circumstances like this, it was because nothing was actually in his control. He pretended he was all mighty and stuff but in reality he was actually nothing. There was a tensed atmosphere between the two men, Jungkook seemed to be determined and Taehyung was just angry.

"Jungkook why the fuck do you love to get on my nerves??? This is my company and I decide the rules? Why the fuck are we being so childish?" Taehyung snapped back harshly and seems like Jungkook had an answer to that. "What do you want me to do? All I'm asking is my share, If you want to talk then talk with your daddy dearest I literally do not care?" He sarcastically replies, the determination clear as a day in his eyes.

The older wants to scream, he wants to punch Jungkook in his face but he refrains himself from doing that and takes a deep breathe. "You know what? Fuck you seriously, sixty percent is yours I don't give a damn. If you think this is going to impact me a lot then then its not. I literally have money running down my bank account and its pathetic of you to do so." His poison like words reach the younger's ears but he makes no move to listen to any of that. He just stares while rolling his eyes but deep down he has a flicker of pride inside his chest.

He knew something Taehyung didn't.

After some minutes of silence the older CEO took a gulp of water from the table calmly, though the man had so much going on in his mind, he made sure not to show anything on his face. He din't want the younger to think that he was little affected by his behaviour, he seriously wasn't but Jeon Jungkook just had this power to piss him and ruin his mood over and over again. He hated the younger's guts.

"If that's all you can leave?" The older goes back to his documents but Jungkook stays rooted on his seat. He doesn't even move an inch so Taehyung looks up at that, his face frowned because what else did this demon need? Wasn't getting on his nerves enough?

"I also wanted to talk more you know? Maybe about the little birdy whom you kicked out of your office the day before." Youngers voice was crystal clear, his tone not wavering down a little and Taehyung? He is confused onto what exactly the other is talking. Seeing the blank expression, Jungkook leaned a little ahead with a small smirk forming on his face.

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