chapter 21

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Nat's P.O.V


How could we let this happen?!?!?

Four days ago he had been his normal self, laughing and sitting cross-legged on the floor while versing Clint and Sam in Mario Kart. Then we asked to go on a mission and Peter was one of the strongest members of the Avengers so he obviously came and we had almost one when a volt of electricity shot from the villain's gun hitting Peter.

Now he's lost all of his memories and is back to the same person he was three years ago.

I felt sick.

What if we never get him back?

Tony sighed, "Pete...that was three years ago."

I watched, trying not to cry, as all the color drained from his face and confusion overcame his features but was soon replaced by a blank expression that I hadn't seen in three years.

He closed his eyes and when he opened them again my stomach dropped and judging by everyone else's expressions it had the same effect on all of them.

Wanda broke down in a fit of sobs and held her head in her hands. None of us dared to move.

Peter's eyes were a piercing blue.

We'd never seen them this intense in color. He was still wearing his spiderman suit because he had passed out after he was shot and had been out for three days.

He blankly glared at each of us but didn't move. Then he slowly stood and looked at us all again with his terrifyingly blue eyes, turned the other way, and ran towards the window. We all screamed his name but he smashed through the window, sending glass everywhere, and swung away.

We ran to the window but he was gone.

"Sam and I will go get him," Bucky said as he and Sam suited up and walked towards the elevator.

Tony rubbed a tired hand across his face and left the room. I walked over to Wanda and rubbed a gentle hand up and down her back as she cried into her hands.

"W-we l-lost him a-g-gain!" she sobbed.

I couldn't stop the tears from falling now because even though I hated it more than anything I never wanted to admit that she might be right.

"It's been so l-long since h-hydra. How did he fall back under their control so easily?" Wanda asked, slightly starting to calm down.

I shook my head while taking a deep breath to calm the shaking in my voice. "I don't know, we will fix this okay. All we can do for him right now until we sort everything out is to not overwhelm him and try to make him comfortable."

"So I shouldn't tell him? About us?" she asked, looking to her lap and her eyes started to well with tears again.

"Maybe just wait a little bit...he may get his memory back yet, okay? Don't lose hope. He may just need some time."

She nodded and hugged me one last time before walking out of the room.

I stood up and began walking to my room to change into something else so I could head down to the gym to clear my head. My room was just before Tony's and I was about to go in when I heard something and froze in my tracks.

Tony was crying.

My heart physically ached for the man.

I decided to knock on his door. "Tony? It's Nat."


"Yup" he replied weakly.

When I walked in he was sitting on his bed and his room was a mess. Picture frames were bent and on the floor, putting glass everywhere, his bedsheets were thrown across the floor, his desk was on its side and there were pieces of unfinished projects all over the floor.

He was silently sobbing into his hands. I sat down beside him and put my hand on his knee. Tony was a very different person from what he was three years ago.

After about five minutes he began to calm down and leaned into me. He took a shaky breath and said, "I can't believe I lost him, Nat."

"Hey, we didn't lose him, we'll get him back, I promise."

"It's all my fault, Nat, if I had just made him stay behind for one mission or never made him Spiderman none of this would have happened." he cried and began pacing the room.

"Tony, it's not your fault that this happened, he would have found a way to come anyway, and not letting him be spiderman would have been cruel, you know how horrible he felt for so long about all the people he'd killed, spiderman was his chance to redeem himself," I told him.

He nodded sullenly as if he was deep in thought.

"It's not your fault Tony" I reassured him again.

He nodded numbly again.

"I'm going to go help look for him, maybe you should stay with Wanda?" he seemed scared when he said the part about me staying behind.

But I knew she needed someone right now and I honestly didn't think I could go anywhere near him with how broken I was by the fact that he was so damaged again. 

Hello dear readers, 

i am so sorry i haven't posted in so long :( 

this chapter is shorter than most but I hope it's okay. 

I hope to post another chapter before Monday next week but they take me so long to write and edit and I have a crazy amount of homework on top of everything as well. 

but on a side note... OVER 4K READS?????!!!!!!?!?!?! 

what. the. heck. 

that's insane :D 

thank you so much to everyone who is reading and i hope you're enjoying this book i really appreciate your votes and comments 

alsooooo if you guys have ANY suggestions at all for where this story could go i would greatly appreciate it because i have so many ideas for it but none of them seem quite right so i will take anything XD

anywayyy, hope you all have a wonderful day and i'll hopefully post by next Monday



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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