Chapter 1

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1964 (Ohio)

Natasha's POV

It's a peaceful afternoon in Ohio as I ride my bike back from school. The kids in the neighborhood invite me to play but I decline because I just want to get home to Peter. My brother.

We're enough company for each other and we like to stick to ourselves.

I pull up out the front of my house and walk towards the playground we've had in our backyard for the past three years.

I whistle the first half of a tune and I hear it returned in the distance. When I reach the playground I find Peter hanging upside down on the trapeze swing and tilt my head to kiss him on the tip of his nose. He giggles and says "we're both upside down"

I laugh at the cuteness in his eyes and his flushed cheeks. I tickled his armpits and he swung down and ran away from me. I chased him around the cubby house with him giggling and squealing until he tripped over and started crying.

I ran to him and held him in my arms until mum came out.

"what happened?" she asked as she took the tiny little boy in her arms.

"I f-fell on m-my knee" he sobbed.

"shh, it's okay" she said in a soothing voice, she kissed his knee, "your pain only makes you stronger"

Peter gasped as he look up into the trees "what are those?" he asked.

I looked up and the backyard was filled with fireflies.

"those are fireflies, my darling boy" mum picked him up and said "they are made of a chemical called...bioluminescent. Alright who's hungry?"

Peter immediately flung his arm into the air and we both chuckled at his eagerness and innocence.

Mum carried Peter inside while I stayed staring at the bugs lighting up the backyard.

"c'mon big girl!" mum called out from the back door.

I ran inside to find Peter setting the table and mum filling up glasses with water.

That's when the front door opened and dad walked in looking rugged and worn out.

"hey dad" I said in the cheeriest voice I could manage

"hey" he muffled in response as he pushed past me and reached into the cupboard.

I walked into the dining room and sat at the table next to Peter and watched as he tried to pick up a cob of corn with tongs and failed miserably, I laughed and helped him.

Dad walks into the room and motions for mum to come with him into the hallway.

Peter and I eat in silence as they talk and when mum walks back in with a forlorn look on her face I instantly know what's going on.

"Hey kids? Remember when I told you one day we would go on that big adventure?" Dad said with a kind of emotion in his eyes that I didn't know how to describe. "well todays the day"

Peter squealed in joy and I looked at mum pleading with her to object or say we were really going on an adventure and not what I assumed was happening, but she just shook her head and looked at her plate.

Dad had already gotten up and was gathering his guns when he called for Peter to help him.

Peter ran into the lounge room and helped put all the bullets In boxes so that they could be strapped on a belt.

I walked to grab my shoes, a photo of me and Peter and when I grabbed a photo album mum yelled at me telling me to 'leave it', so I did and ran to the car.

Before I new it we were driving out of our quiet street in Ohio and I watched in terror as I saw the neighborhood for what would most likely be the last time, trying desperately to keep the tears from my eyes for Peter's sake.

"where are we going?" Peter asked sitting snug in his booster seat and dangling his legs.

Mum and dad exchanged a glance, "home" mum said. Letting go of her fake American accent.

Peter giggled, "but mummy, we just left home."

No one responded to the confused toddler and after five minutes he broke the silence yet again "I want my song"

Dad grabbed a tape out of the center console and placed it into the radio and "American Pie" by Don Mclean, began playing through the system.

Peter sang along out of time and out of tune but to me it was beautiful because I could focus on his innocent cuteness and sing along to pass the time and forget the nerves.

Once we arrived at the airport we quickly got out of the car and mum, Peter and I jumped into the small plane that was sitting in the hangar.

We watched as dad picked up a trailer with his bare hands and flipped it into the air and out of the way so that mum could taxi the plane out of the hangar and onto the runway.

That was when the SHIELD cars began to quickly inhabit the airport and surround us.

hello wonderful people, 

that's the first chapter done. i hope you liked it and will continue to read as i publish new chapters daily. this is the fan fiction that i am actually planning on finishing so i really hope you guys like it. :) 

have an amazing day,

yours truly, 

Tiger xxoo

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