chapter 8

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Natasha's P.O.V

When we arrived at the crime scene everything was in chaos, half the building was on fire, there were people running and screaming and there were cars turned on their heads.

That's when two figures emerged from the smoke.

One was wearing a singlet and looked rather small while the other had a metal arm.

But both of them wore masks that only revealed their eyes but that's when I stopped taking in their appearance because I realized that these men were to blame for Fury's death.

I cried out and ran for the smaller one because he'd be easier to take than the big guy with the metal arm. I swung for his head but he grabbed my arm without taking his eyes away from mine and crushed my hand in his.

I screamed as I felt my bones snap and grind. He dropped my hand and pushed really hard into my chest, making me fall to the ground, winded. Steve came over to me and helped me sit up, encouraging me to breathe.

That's when shit really went down. Tony came over behind the one that had just broken my hand and punched him in the back of the head causing him to stumble slightly, until he came at Tony with fresh rage in his eyes and punched Tony so hard that his helmet shattered, revealing Tony with a bloody nose. Steve ran over to the one with the metal arm to help Clint and Bruce who were struggling even more than we were.

He lunged for the metal arm guy but got a blow to the back but Steve managed to kick him in the knee and he lost focus for a moment and Steve pegged his shield at the man's face. He fell to the ground and the smaller guy who was attacking us ran to his side and helped him to stand.

But the man with the metal arm had lost his mask and now we could take in every inch of what he looked like and be able to track him down.

"Bucky?" Steve said and he dropped to his knees and there was pure fear and grief on his face.

"who the hell is Bucky?" the man said in a gravelly voice, as if he hadn't used it in years.

The two assassins took that as their chance to leave and they both sprinted away from us so fast it was as if they were never there.

I'm so sorry, lol, my chapters are so short 😪 I'm not very good at deciding when a chapter should end 😕 BUT ANYWAY! This story is really fun to write and I hope you guys enjoyed my first fight scene😬It was a bit average but I'm tired and know nothing about self defense. So yayyyyy.... Book.

Thanks to everyone who is actually reading this, it makes me feel so special that people are appreciating the amount of work I'm putting I to this. i literally didnt think i would get any reads so thank you. 

Love you all so much,

Have a fantastic evening? morning? Afternoon? Whatever time it is where you are Be happy😘



No one Knows the beginning...Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ