chapter 11

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Natasha's P.O.V

The first thing I remember was a blinding bright light piercing through my closed eyes. I could feel the faint pull of a needle in my arm as I opened my eyes and slowly came to. Once my eyes adjusted to the light I sat up slowly, feeling a slight throbbing in my torso.

I pulled the UV out of my arm and saw that my phone was on the table beside the bed. I grabbed it and looked at the date and time.

"crap" I whispered. It was Tuesday, I had been out for three days. It was four in the morning and I could see it was dark outside.

I slowly tiptoed to the small sink to get myself a glass of water, but once I got to the sink I stopped dead in my tracks.

There in the bed beside mine was 'Spider'.

Although he didn't look half as scary as he had when he attacked me. He was unconscious and had wires and all sorts of machines attached to his head and he was wearing a plain white t-shirt. But the thing that stopped me from walking towards him was the restraints around his legs, arms, chest and neck. The restraints were vibranium.

I got a mouthful of water and decided to walk over to him.

I stood over him and felt a pull of familiarity as I looked at his face for the first time. He had soft features and light, curly brown hair that fell innocently on his face. He looked so innocent and kind. If it wasn't for what he did to me I would have undone the restraints.

That's when his eyes snapped open, revealing not the piercing dark blue of a couple days before, but a soft mouse brown.

He started feeling around in the restraints and having an obvious panic attack. He was breathing so heavily and fast that I thought he might blow all the air from his lungs. He attempted to escape from the restraints but failed and relaxed back into his original position. He hadn't seen me yet, which was probably for the best, but then he started crying.

Tears poured down his face and he was whimpering as sobs shook his trapped body.

I couldn't stand it anymore. I walked over and put my hand comfortingly on his arm and whispered "shh, its okay buddy, calm down." He looked at me and I could have collapsed right there and then at the pure fear in his eyes.

"please" he begged, still more tears streaming down his face. "I'll be good, I swear" he began sobbing again at this and I started to think of how I could calm him down.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. I just need you to take some deep breaths okay?" I said as I started to comfortingly stroke his arm. He breathed in and out slowly with his eyes closed and when he calmed down I smiled at him. He looked at me with confusion in his eyes.

"Where am i?" he asked in a pained voice.

"You're at the avengers tower" I replied.

He looked even more terrified than he had when he first woke up.

"hey, it's going to be okay. We won't hurt you" I said, quickly attempting to re-assure him.

He began to cry again and said "it's not the avengers I'm worried about, it's them"

"who's them?" I asked, trying to get information out without scaring him further.

"Hydra" he almost gagged out the word and my heart stopped. So he's been under the control of Hydra, no wonder he's so skilled.

"How old are you, kid?" I tried to change the topic slightly.


I gasped, eighteen! He wasn't even able to legally drink and he had been through hell and back.

No one Knows the beginning...Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя