chapter 16

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Peter's P.O.V

The last few days have been so confusing and it's messing with my head. Not that my head isn't already messed up but it has just been so strange. First thing I know is that I'm in the lab tied to the chair getting ready for my daily electroshock therapy. It stopped hurting a long time ago.

Then I was being briefed on a new mission that entailed retrieving information from SHIELD that the avengers had conveniently put into a USB.

The Winter Soldier and I had gone after it once but stupid ass Nick Fury got away with it, then when we went after it again at avengers tower was when it got fuzzy.

I remember having someone in a chokehold then a piercing pain in my leg.

I remember waking up on a table- wait no it was a bed not a table, it was comfortable. But I had restraints around my torso, arms and legs.

I remember being terrified...I think I cried but I'm not too sure. There was a lady standing over me and I think we spoke?... No idea.

The last thing I remember was sitting staring at water with my legs dangling above the dark surface.

Now that brings me to where I am now, on the cold metal table hooked up to machines that I haven't seen before.

Next thing I hear are footsteps approaching and I tense when The Doctor comes into view above me.

All I ever wanted was to impress him and I don't know why but I feel like I've disappointed him.

He runs a cold hand down my arm and we hold eye contact for the longest 20 seconds of my life.

"I nearly lost you, my child" he said with a harsh but meaningful whisper. "I don't know how I would have been able to replace you. After it took so long to find a subject with the right DNA to withstand the spider serum. After all, you are my most prized possession. My most successful project. Hydra's number one assassin."

I felt pride swell in my chest as I knew that I had finally won his appraisal.

"As for your partner, The Winter soldier was easy to replace so i was never worried about that part but I can't have him walking around when he knows all that he does about what we do here." he took a step towards the control panel and i clenched my fist preparing myself for the shock. "That brings me to your next assignment, my little spider. Kill The Winter Soldier."

My breath caught in my throat and my eyes widened but before I could properly comprehend what he had just said he turned on the machine. I had never felt pain like this and tried but failed to control the screams that ripped from my throat as my eyes rolled to the back of my head and it all faded to black.

Nat's P.O.V

We watched in silence as Peter laid unconscious on a metal table with machines hooked up to his head. We all thought nothing was going to happen until his eyes began to flutter open and he began to take in his surroundings. He seemed to visually relax when he realised where he was which kind of hurt to watch as we all knew he was about to be shocked or tortured or something terrible.

He rested his head on the table and Wanda and I shared a look.

That's when a man came in and stood beside him. He was wearing a lab coat and thick rimmed glasses.

"FRIDAY, run facial recognition." Tony said.

"That is Doctor Leonard Batovas, sir. He has four PHDs and an extensive criminal record."

"What's on his criminal record?" I asked before I could stop myself.

"Homicide, human trafficking, and theft." FRIDAY replied and my heart dropped, this disgusting man was touching Peter and doing god-knows what else.

Then we realized that we couldn't hear anything that was being said in the video.

"FRIDAY, can you please enable audio" Tony asked his AI.

"Audio is not available for this footage, sir" she responded

"What? Why not?" he asked, getting impatient.

"There are no speakers in the room" the way that she remarked almost had me laughing, she said it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Damnit" Tony spat while taking a sip from his glass of Brandy he had poured himself.

We all watched in silence trying to make out what they were saying but the footage wasn't remarkably clear so we couldn't read lips even if we tried.

But we all knew what was happening when the man walked over to the control panel and placed his hand on the lever before saying one last thing to Peter then pulled the handle and Peter's back arched in pain and you could see the noiseless screams coming from his lips then with a tug at my heart, his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he dropped limp onto the table once again. Then the man walked over to Peter, removed the wires from his body and walked out of the room.

A moment later some guards walked in and undid his restraints and loosely carried him out of the room.

I looked to the floor and that's when I realised that I had tears flowing down my face and roughly wiped my hand before anyone could see but it was too late, everyone in the room had their eyes on me.

I took a shaky breath and told them I was going to go to the training room and wanted to be left alone.

They all seemed to respect my decision as I walked into the training room, slammed the door and ran at the punching bag, giving it a side kick so hard that it swung and hit the roof. I moved out of the way until it stopped swinging then I punched it and punched it and punched it.

With each hook and every uppercut I thought about Peter.



"Where am i?"

Right hook

"You're at the avengers tower"


"Hey, it's going to be okay. We won't hurt you"

Left hook


"It's not you i'm worried about, it's them"


Right hook

"Who's them?"



Left hook


The first conversation i had had with him was reeling over and over in my head and as it ended i jumped and if it was possible i kicked the bag harder than i had before and it burst, spilling sand everywhere.

I really didn't care about the mess. I looked down at my hands and breathed a disappointed sigh as I watched the blood trickle from my knuckles down to my wrist.

'Fucking hydra! They take everything, they took my brother, they took his future, they took his smile. He was five by the time he got to them, how could someone mentally stable do that to a kid?!?!!' I screamed to myself.

I walked over to the corner of the room and curled into a ball on the floor with my hands tightly wrapped around each other and rested my head on my knees and for the first time in my entire life, I let myself cry. 

okayyy so I know I said another two chapters today but where I live it's like 10pm and I still need to shower and stuff so I'll see how I go but I'm hoping to post at least one tomorrow;)

I hope you all liked the chapter and thank you to everyone who has stayed this far of the story, I know it's a little slow but hopefully I'm getting somewhere with the plot now lol

anyway, I hope your all having a wonderful day 



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