Lesson: Do Not Stay Out All Night (re-written)

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"KILLUA ZOLDYCK," a voice roared, loud and uncompromising.

Killua whipped around, his ears well-attuned to the sound of his name being yelled, his heart already beating hard at the thought of his father's wrath. However, this disposition was hastily forgotten as the owner of the voice was revealed to be none other than Illumi. This was confusing not because Killua didn't believe Illumi wouldn't be out desperately searching for him the moment he found out Killua was not in his room; his bewilderment was based entirely on the fact that Illumi was angry

It was not as if he had not witnessed this emotion from his brother before, of course he had. Illumi was frequently furious. However one had to know him intimately to be able to discern said anger, which was usually presented in a way akin to tight-lipped stoicness, unblinking eyes, smooth and emotionless features. This anger, however, was displayed clearly - once glassy eyes blazing, usually clear eyebrows creased into a dark frown.

Killua did not dwell long on Illumi's strangely visceral anger, before said brother grabbed his arm, and set about the task of dragging the rest of the sandy slope that made for a path to their lighthouse home. Unfortunately, this also signalled the start of Illumi's raging tangent.

"Mother and father have been worried sick about you Killua. I have been worried sick about you. What were you thinking!? Believe me, I know how it feels to want to be near the ocean all the time but you can't always have what you want-" Illumi was cut off abruptly as Killua shrugged him off, having disregarded most, if not all of what Illumi had said.

"I can do what I want! I don't understand why you're always so stressed about me going near the ocean," Killua turned to glare at Illumi. "We live at the seaside for goodness sake."

Illumi sighed, a long and dramatically stretched out thing, before turning to face him.

"Just...come back Kil. You can explain what you were doing all night to Mother and Father later." Killua huffed but continued the trek up the sandy hill to the lighthouse. Illumi followed behind him, the strange ferocity gone and a apathetic expression once again gracing his features.

Upon reaching the door of the lighthouse, Killua and Illumi stepped through the doorway, Killua tentatively, and quite dreading what was to come and Illumi, as usual, impassive as to what was to come.

In truth, Killua was right in his fear as the emotionally unbalanced and vaguely psychotic Kikyo Zoldyck was a truly terrifying sight to behold. In true Kikyo Zoldyck fashion, she gracefully lay sobbing across the fainting couch by the entrance, cheeks glistening in apparent despair. Upon witnessing the grand entrance of her middle child, she flung herself off the fainting couch in unadulterated glee.

"Oh Kil! How I've missed you my sweet son," Kikyo Zoldyck breathed tearfully, wrapping her arms around Killua, smothering in her love, stifling in her affection.

"I've..only..been..gone..for..one..night," Killua choked out between breaths, which were few and far between.

Like some creature summoned by his son's suffering (albeit most likely summoned by Kikyo's loudly obnoxious wailing), Silva, muscled and fair haired, appeared behind Kikyo. "Where on earth have you been?"

Killua, with no little struggle, pushed his mother away and set his cold, blue eyes on his father. A terrible kind of tension set between, so frequently seen between warring parent and child. Silva would not afford Killua the same forgiveness Kikyo so easily handed out.

"You do realise you can't just run away crying when something doesn't go your way." 

"Newsflash, you can't keep me from going to the sea. How many times do I have to mention that we live by the seaside. I don't know what you have against the ocean but its not going to stop me from going." 

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