Jungkook just wanted to utter a brief goodbye before commuting to work. He wanted to maybe peck her forehead; he wanted to nag her to walk around the house a little to avoid muscle cramps by rotting away in the small space, or maybe about looking for healthier breakfast options than relying over soaked cereals for every breakfast.

There also rested an uncomfortable urge in him to alarm her that she wouldn't get to see him until after ten pm today, so she probably needed to have dinner by herself for the night. Yet all of this wasn't a meaningful reminder when it had become a usual habit for the last three days so maybe, his whole attempt was plainly worthless.

Jungkook's fist now softly rested against the door in defeat as he contemplated over a variety of questions he knew no answers to; he lingered by the door for a few fleeting seconds before he parted away.

Over an hour or so later, Lisa stretched her arms out as she walked out of her mini studio. She blinked her bloodshot eyes to get acquainted with her surroundings, only to find a bright sticky note on the wall of the fridge facing her.

Work till ten. Don't wait up for me.

Lisa was certain that she could recognise this particular haste-driven handwriting anywhere in the world; picking up the note she crumbled it absentmindedly, throwing it into a nearby trash bin. She glanced at the wall clock that read it was nearly about one pm, that only meant that unknowingly enough, she had completely skipped breakfast today.

Maybe it wasn't too late for lunch then.

— ➷ —

Just while Lisa was done halfway through eating her lunch which was an order-in bento box from a nearby semi-functional catering service, she received a phone call — from her boyfriend.

It was unusual of Jungkook to call her even during normal times, let alone the fact that he was probably calling her while at work. Mostly because Jungkook was more of a text person and Lisa still possessed her good old habit of leaving her phone on her desk, buried beneath a scattered pile of notes and forgetting about its existence half of the time, and so texting just seemed more convenient.

Wearily, she picked up the call. "Hello?"

"...Hey." Came Jungkook's voice from the other end. Calm and composed as if to maintain normalcy and yet with a tinge of worry twisted in the gravelly tone.

"You had breakfast? I didn't see you leave."

"I... I'm sorry, actually I had to arrive early today and I didn't want to disturb you, so, uh...I ate breakfast by myself." Despite the fact that they'd been together for nearly over a year now, the conversation kept drifting into awkward silences as though they were looking for icebreakers to continue.

"Ah, alright. I see you left me a note too."

"You saw it?"

"The one on the fridge? Yeah I did." She hummed, the note probably lying somewhere in trash now.

"Hmmm, I think I left another one in the second cabinet, somewhere on your cereal box. Did you read that?"

Instantly, her footsteps paced back into the kitchen to rummage through the cabinet while balancing the phone between her shoulder and her ear. Lisa held the cereal box, another sticky note with a familiar handwriting pasted on the front face.

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