Chapter 7

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It's Azalea's birthday, I can't believe I have an 11 year old. A freaking pre teen. I ask her what she wants for her birthday, and I get the same answer from last year. She wants to see her mama. We all forgave her, but she chose to stay away for good. She's punishing herself and yes what she made was a BIG ASS mistake. But we moved past it. Melinda is in jail, EXACTLY where she belongs and deserves to be. I just don't think Megan can or will forgive herself.

She makes sure she financially supports the kids but it's more than being there for money. And mind you, I wonder what she'll do this year because she hasn't rapped a song since and it's been 2 years. She sold her house, and it's like she's gone into hiding. And doesn't want to be found.

I can't lie, I miss her too. Not for a relationship but the bond and friendship we created. I generally miss her and the kids do too. Even her mom does, no matter what happened we can move pass it but i think she already has in her mind that we all hate her.

We all tried to look for her but it's as if she doesn't want to be found, and that makes me sad. It makes us all sad. Especially now that her mom has been diagnosed with cancer. I need to find her.

The party rolls out as usual, this time it's at a roller skating rink that i rented out just for today. I stand next to Ryan watching as my once a baby girl now a young lady is skating with her friends smiling. She sees me looking and waves at me making me wave back. I seriously can't believe how big she has gotten over the years. I see my baby boy laughing and carrying Ryan's baby girl she had. It was a suprise 2 years ago when she told me she was pregnant. I really thought she would make sure to not get pregnant by any means necessary. But here is little Shanice.

Pulling into the driveway, I see someone on our lawn. The person looks homeless, but why are they at my house? My headlights startle the person and they turn and go to run away. Exiting out the car quickly i try to keep up with the person, but damn did they run like a track star. Could this be Megan?

Out of breath I see the person turn the corner to a dead end. I quickly run knowing they have nowhere to go. The person is facing the wall with their back to me.

"H-Hello. I know you were at my house. It's okay, i just want to know why. Do you need help?" I ask the person but i get no response.

I slowly take in the person seeing that their tall, and skinny. Very skinny. I slowly approach the person and touch their back, making them gasp and turn towards me. And to my surprise its Megan.

"OMG it's you!! OMG it's so good to see you. We've been looking all over for you!!" i say

she doesnt say anything but slightly smiles at me, i see shes holding onto something tight. And she notices that i see it.

"I know it's Aza's birthday. And i have something for her. I-It's not much, but i... i hope she likes it"

"She'll love it cause it came from you. Now let's go to the house so we can get you clean up and you can give it to her personally."

"N-No she doesn't want to see me"

"Yes she does Megan. She misses you, Amazon misses you. Your friends and your mom misses you. I miss you."

That last part has her look back up at me with a tear running down.

"Megan don't beat yourself up for what happened. Yes it happened but know that all is forgiven. You don't have to be afraid, it's okay. I want to help you, please let me do that"

We walk into the house and the kids are in the living room, "Ma did you catch that guy?"

"Yes i did. I think you're going to love this gift Aza"

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