"Yeah and I'm queen nefertiti, Something went down you acted super scetched out when you two got back" Celeste looked at her sister quickly as she bit the inside of her cheek.

"I kissed him"


"In my defense he kissed me first" Celeste said quickly.

"What the fuck!" her sister let out with a laugh.

"It just happen, and it won't happen again, it can't happen again, he's my boss" Celeste said.

"Yeah! and hes old enough to be your dad" Gabrielle let out.

"GAB! your not helping" her sister let out as she shook her head. They got tot the house Celeste got out of the SUV as quick as she could with Gabrielle still asking qestions.

"Can we please change the subject" Celeste pleaded with her twin sister as they made there way to the front door, Gabrielle rolled her eyes at her sister.

"I was kidding about the whole dad thing, I mean the man is HOT!" Celeste walked in the door and dropped here keys in the bowl and continued to the stairs going upstairs.

"Where are you going" Gabrielle asked standing at the buttom of the stairs and looking up.

"Good night Gab" Celeste let out as she continue up.

"This conversation is not over!" Gabby let out, Celeste let out a little laugh as she made her way to her bedroom.


Celeste sat up in bed, as the door flew open , with her sister showinf up with a huge grin on her face.

"Morninggggg sleepyyy headdddd" she said out.

"God what is wrong with you" Celeste let out as she fell back in bed with her palms on her eyes.

"Woman it's almost ten in the morning, your burning daylight" Gabrielle jumpped on the bed beside her sister, Celeste let out a grunt as she covered herslef with the blankets.

"So I think shopping therapy is in order today" Celeste uncovered herself and looked at her twin, who was had big hopeful eyes and a smile on her face. Celeste let out a deep breath.

"I could get on board with that" she said.

"Awesome! I'll make coffee, get your butt ready" Gabrielle said as she quickly got up and walked out of the room. Celeste laid there for another few minutes looking at the ceiling thinking about her boss kissing her and then her kissing her boss. After fighting with her thoughts she got up an made her way to her closet, grabbing a pair of black leggins and a white racer back top with a grey off one shoulder sweater, she paired that with black flats. Getting her hair in a messy bun and minimal makeup she grabbed her phone and made her way downstairs. met By her sister standing at the door with the two coffees.

"Let's go woman, god your slow!" Celeste rolled her eyes at her as she got her keys and opening the door to stop and look down on the mat, where it was occopied by a dozen roses.

"Oh did Ryan and O get into a figh again?" Gabrielle said as she peaked over her sisters shoulder, Celeste picked the roses up and looked at them.

"Probably, there's no card with them"

"Go put them in something, I'll be in the SUV" Gabby squeezed by as she grabbed the keys. Celeste let out a huff as she turned around and made her way to the kitchen. After tending to the flower Celeste made her way out the door and to the booming SUV, she shook her head with a smile as she looked at her sister who was dancing in her seat.

"New clothes here we come!" Gabrielle screamed as Celeste open the door.

"Can you not!" she said as she got in and got buckled in.

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