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Pov: Deiji's

The next morning my father slowly walked inside my room to wake me up. To his surprise I was already awake, sitting at the end of my bed zoning out.

"Heeey hun. Didn't know you were already awake. You have to get dressed we have to leave for the appointment in 20 minutes." He softly said making me sigh. "I'll be downstairs in a minute dad."

He looked at me and walked over sitting on my bed next to me. "Deiji..." He continued. "I know you're scared, but I can assure you everything will be fine. Trust me okay. It's just a quick check up. You know, to see how you're doing." There was a moment of silence.

I layed my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. I hope what he is saying is true. "I hope you're right dad." "I know I am honey. Now get ready we're going to be late. I love you." He said as he kissed my forehead. I just smiled and hugged him. "Love you too." And with that he just left leaving me to get ready. Maybe I am just overreacting. I said to myself getting up from my bed.

On our way to the hospital I was looking at my phone thinking if I should send a message to Sunghoon. I wanted to practice today with him but my fingers just wouldn't move to type the message. I kept looking at our conversations from before and with that, just shut my phone off. "He is probably in class now I shouldn't disturb him." I thought to myself while getting closer to the hospital.

We were now standing in front of the building. My dad was walking inside while my legs just couldn't move. I was standing there until my father noticed I wasn't by his side. "Honey!" He shouted from the distance. "Why are you just standing there come inside!" I looked at him with my eyes full of fear. He sighed and started walking towards me. He took my hand in his and hugged me. I felt so safe. I didn't want to let him go. He was so warm. It felt like home. "Everything is going to be fine. Now come on we're going to be late." After he said that I calmed down a bit and slowly walked inside.

We were sitting in the waiting room my hand still in his. It was slightly shaking and he seemed to notice that too. He started rubbing it with his thumb. I missed my father's hands. They were always so soft. I missed our relationship. That made me sad. Because maybe there won't be a chance that I get to hold his hand anymore. To hug him and take in his scent. I guess I will find my answer to that in a few minutes. Just when I was thinking about that a doctor walked out the room and called my name.

"Is Chaejin Deiji here?" The doctor softly shouted. "I'm here." I softly said making her look at me and smile. "Will you please come inside." I got up and removed my hand from my dad's. It felt cold. I looked at him and smiled. "Like I said, everything will be fine Deiji. Now go inside." He smiled at me. I started slowly walking inside, my heart now in my throat. My legs were shaking a bit too.

I closed the door behind me and sat on a chair. The doctor turned around and started checking my breathing aswell as my heart. Her gaze instantly stiffened and she looked at me with so much worry. My breathing hitched. She called out for my father's name. "Mister Dong-Hyun please come inside."

He rushed inside and looked at me. I couldn't help but the worry now freely showing on my face. "Mister Dong-Hyun we will need an echocardiogram of her heart." "What why? Is there a problem?" "Unfortunately her heart is beating slower aswell as her breathing. She has Restrictive cardiomyopathy isn't that right?" "Yeah but the last time we went to the appointment they told us everything should be fine now and that she doesn't need to take her pills anymore." "What pills was she using?" "Ummm I'm not sure I think it was Diuretics and Nitrates." "Okay she might need to start using them again."

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