Chapter 13: "...leaving nothing behind but a happiness that covered me."

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"Fuck! Son of a fucking bitch!" I couldn't stop the words that spilled angrily from my lips as I read the message on the back of a shelf: 4 of many. I couldn't believe this was happening, couldn't believe that he had gotten away with it yet again. This was the fourth building it had happened to and knowing that only made everything worse. We still had eyes on the bank and the flower shop, but they hadn't even gone near those two spots. Knowing that they were getting away with it was starting to drive me crazy and I didn't know what to do.

"Y/N? We're going to figure it out." The hand on my shoulder was gentle and I looked up to see Angelo standing there. " It's going to be okay."

Letting out a sigh, I tried to calm down but I couldn't help but feel frustrated. This was the job I was trained to do and I still couldn't figure it out. We had the evidence in front of us but there was nothing we could do. That realization made everything worse. I knew Antonio was the one behind it but without catching him in the act I was stuck. "I know, but it keep happening. I'm really afraid that... that someone is going to get hurt and that I could have prevented it."

Angelo squeezed my shoulder. "I know. I feel the same way. I keep asking myself what we're doing wrong and how the hell we're going to get enough evidence to prove it's him."

I shook my head, not knowing the answer to that question. "I just... I just don't know." I looked at the words in front of me wishing I had Antonio in front of me so I could shake the shit out of him, demand to know just what the hell was going on, demand he tell me exactly what he did. Unfortunately, I knew it wasn't that easy, that it would never be that easy.

"Y/N?" I turned at the sound of my name to see Tim striding towards me, a look of frustration on his sweaty face. "We just got another call. Looks like another case."


Tim pointed down the street and I could see the black smoke starting to rise over the distant buildings. "Flower shop."

My mouth dropped open at his words. We had been watching the flower shop ever since we got the video, but just last night the department had called it off, convinced that there was not going to be anything happening, that there was nothing going on. As I looked at the tendrils of smoke creeping up into the blue sky, I realized quickly that we were wrong. Very wrong. "You've got to be fucking kidding me?" I couldn't stop the rush of anger that came over me, a frustration that made my stomach turn and my palms start to sweat. This was not how things were supposed to work, but I could tell that it was only going to get worse from here on out.

Tim shook his head. "Sorry kid. I know..." His words trailed off and I knew he had realized exactly what I was thinking, how I was feeling about the whole situation. We had both worked with Antonio so to know he was a part of this was aggravating for both of us, knowing someone we had trusted, someone we had believed in was a part of this. To know that someone we had cared for was willing to put us at risk was both infuriating and heartbreaking.

Looking over at Angelo, I gave him a sad smile, one that didn't quite reach my eyes, one I didn't really feel. Knowing who caused it was enough to break my heart. "You ready to head over rookie?" Angelo shrugged and I patted his arm. "Yeah me too." Normally in fires we didn't get the call until the flames had been put out and potential hot spots had been eliminated, but since we were here, it made sense for us to join them. Hopefully it would be over quickly since they received the call quickly. With fires, timing was of the essence.

Not wanting to get in the way of the fire trucks, we waited there for a moment while they rushed away, their sirens blaring, cutting through the stillness of the day. There were still a few onlookers, people who couldn't help drawing to a fire, nosy people who had to see exactly what was going on. At least this time, they stayed far enough back to not be in the way and settled for conversing amongst themselves. Too many times they would interfere with the investigation, asking questions we didn't even know the answers to and getting way too close to the scene. It was not only dangerous for the department, especially when their attention was diverted, but dangerous for the onlookers as well.

Fire: Book 4 of the Mythical Beings Soulmate Series (Taehyung X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now