12 - Divorce

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Yeonjun turned over on the bed, expecting to cuddle his boyfriend, only to be met with an empty space on the bed. He pouted and slowly opened his eyes, slowly looking around the room.

He then heard the bedroom door open so he looked over to see Soobin with only a towel around his waist as he dried his hair with another one. Yeonjun choked on air as he sat up.

"What are you doing Binnie????"

Soobin looked over to the boy who was sitting on the bed with a raised brow.

"I just came out of the shower, what does it look like I'm doing?"

Yeonjun frowned while blushing. He glanced down at the towel before quickly looking back at Soobin.

Soobin saw where he looked and a smirk appeared on his face as he approached the boy. "You like what you see? I can take it off for you~" he said as he walked up to Yeonjun, leaning closer.

"S-Soobin!!" Yeonjun muttered, clearly being flustered by the other who was now hovering over him.

Soobin leaned closer, their faces centimeters apart. Yeonjun closed his eyes, waiting for something to happen but was confused when Soobin just pecked his lips and pulled away, laughing.

"You should've seen your face Junnie~ it was so cute!" He said as he continued to laugh.

Yeonjun frowned and huffed. "Choi Soobin I'm gonna kill you!!!!" He said, starting to hit him with a pillow.

"Ow! Hey, Junnie I'm sorry- Ah! Baby!" He laughed as he ran away from Yeonjun.

Yeonjun chased after the taller and got close before he tripped. Before he could think he grabbed the closest thing to him but it fell with him. He sat up as he rubbed his head.

"Owwww, what the helllll I thought I grabbed something to keep me up not fall with me!" He looked down at the item in his hands which was a towel. It took him a minute to realize, his eyes widening as he slowly looked up. His eyes met with a completely nude bunny boy who was crossing his arms with a smirk and a raised brow.

"If you wanted to see me naked, you could've asked, baby~"

Yeonjun took a moment to process.



Yeonjun frowned as he shoved cereal in his mouth. He was still angry with Soobin for absolutely no reason, he just didn't want to admit that he wanted to see him like that but he'd never say that out loud.

"Aww c'mon Junnie, you're the one who grabbed my towel, I didn't take it off on purpose."

Yeonjun turned his head away and let out a huff, not giving in.

Soobin pouted then smirked when he got an idea. "Fine then. I'll just go find someone else to appreciate my handsome body. I'll give them all of the cuddles instead~" he said matter-of-factly.

Yeonjun's eyes widened and he quickly turned around and hugged Soobin. "No!!! Those are my cuddles, and your body is not for anyone else but us to see!" He argued, hugging the boy tight.

Soobin only chuckled and kissed his cheek. "Junnie I was just kidding, I'll only cuddle you~" he said and Yeonjun smiled. "But I do need to go somewhere today though.


"I'm going to ask Stella to divorce" he said with a smile as he looked down at his boyfriend.

"Huh??? But won't your dad find out??" Yeonjun asked in a worried tone. Soobin shook his head and kissed his cheek again.

"No. He can't see that we are divorced when we do since it's all paperwork, so unless me or Stella show him our paperwork or he asks the bureau, he won't know a thing." Yeonjun smiled softly and kissed him gently.

"Well then, I'll be waiting for the good news from you Binnie."

Soobin smiled back and grabbed his keys. "I'll be back here later Junnie, have a good day, alright?"

Yeonjun nodded and then Soobin left.


Soobin rung the doorbell and waited patiently for his wife to come outside. He could have just walked in since he lives there, but he didn't want to walk in on her if she was doing nasty stuff with someone.

Finally after 10 minutes the lady came to the door and frowned when she saw who it was. "Oh, it's just you. What do you want?"

Soobin frowned "rude. Anyways, I'm here to talk about us."

The girl leaned on the door with a brow raised. "What about us?"

"I want us to get a divorce." He stated plainly and she scoffed.

"Soobin, we both know that if our fathers found out there would be hell to pay. You know he'll take away all of your stuff and kick you out right?"

Soobin nodded "yes, and I have all of that taken care of already so don't worry about me." He rolled his eyes.

Stella yawned and sighed. "Alright. Let me get my shoes. Baby girl is at daycare so don't worry about her." She said before going inside to put her shoes on, then they got in Soobin's car and drove to the marriage registration building.

They got out and went inside where they were met by a lady at the desk who smiled at them. "Hello! How can I help you two?"

"We're here to file for divorce." Soobin said and the lady nodded, grabbing some papers and handing them to the two.
"List any properties you both own together that you want to figure out who gets what and then fill out these registration forms. When you're done I'll take them and finalize everything."

They took said papers and sat at one of the small round tables, beginning to discuss everything that they wanted to keep for themselves that was bought by both of them, which wasn't a lot.


Yeonjun hummed softly as he played with his food. He was beyond bored since he had nothing to do besides watch TV or scroll through social media which he'd been doing for the past few hours.

Yeonjun sighed softly as he got up from his seat. He put the plate in the fridge for later and was about go to his room until the doorbell rung.

He walked over to the door and opened it. "Hello?"


Yeonjun noticed the voice and looked up at Soobin and smiled widely, pulling him inside. He closed the door and looked at his boyfriend. "Well?" He asked excitedly.

Soobin smiled at him and held up the papers. "I'm no longer married and I can finally be with you fully~" he said happily, pulling Yeonjun into a hug.

Yeonjun hugged back, kissing all over the boy's face. "I'm so happy for you Binnie!!"

Soobin chuckled and pulled him closer by the waist. "I'm happy too Junnie~" he said before leaning down to kiss the older.

Yeonjun melted into the kiss as he wrapped his arms around the boy's neck.

Soobin deepened the kiss and wrapped his arms around Yeonjun's waist, grabbing his bum an lightly squeezing it.

Yeonjun gasped into the kiss and Soobin shoved his tongue into the boy's mouth, picking him up and carrying him to the older's bedroom.

Soobin laid the boy on the bed gently, crawling on top of him and continuing their kiss. The taller slipped his hand under the boy's shirt and rubbed his stomach and nipples lightly. Yeonjun moaned into the kiss and raised his chest slightly.

After a few minutes, both boys pulled away to get some air, breathing heavily. Soobin leaned down and softly kiss the older's neck lightly before looking at him with a smile. "Do you want to continue? We can stop if you're not ready." He said quietly for Yeonjun to hear.

Yeonjun blushed and nodded. "I do want to continue. Just be careful Binnie~"

Soobin smiled and leaned back down to capture his lips again as he unclothed them both.

Let's just say that it was a long night.

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