11 - Second Date

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Yeonjun groaned loudly as he threw multiple clothing items on the ground, deeming them unworthy of being worn today.

Soobin had called him last night while he was sleeping and told him that they would be going out somewhere and to wear casual or comfortable clothes and he would pick him up at 10 am, so here he was, struggling to find the perfect outfit to go out with Soobin in.

He sighed softly and decided to just shower first before looking through his clothes again. He eventually settled on a white T-shirt with cuffed jeans and converse and his now pink hair tied half up half down.

It wasn't long before Soobin rung the doorbell. Yeonjun hurriedly cleaned up the clothes on the floor before going into the living room and opening the door for the younger male, who smiled at him and handed him a flower.

"Good morning Junnie, you look cute" he said with a hum. Yeonjun blushed and took the flower, setting it in a vase he had on the table before walking back over to Soobin.

"You don't look bad yourself" he smiled and looked at Soobin's outfit which was similar to his but with a cap as well and different shoes. "I didn't think we'd basically be twinning" he joked and closed the door to his apartment.

"Me neither, but at least we look good~" said Soobinie before he grabbed Yeonjun's hand and led him to his car, getting in with him.

"Where are we going Binnie? You just called me at 2 am and didn't tell me where we're going."

"Ah, well if I tell you then it won't be a surprise, now would it?" Yeonjun pouted and crossed his arms.

"Fine. Don't tell me then."

"I won't~" Yeonjun whined and Soobin grinned victoriously as he drove to their destination


"We're here~" Soobin parked the car and helped Yeonjun out, who immediately looked around and gasped.

"An amusement park?!" He smiled widely and grabbed Soobin's hand, dragging him towards the entrance. "I love these!" He said as they waited in line to get their tickets.

"I'm glad you do Junnie, I wanted our little date to be fun today so I thought of this place." He said, buying their tickets when it was their turn and walking inside the gate with Yeonjun following.

Yeonjun smiled and looked around at everything while Soobin put the tickets in his pocket. "Is there anything you want to do first?" The younger asked, watching Yeonjun, amused by his curiousness.

"I want to go on some rides first"

"Okay Junnie. Let's go"


The boys went on a few rides before walking around for a while.

Soobin hummed and looked at the game Yeonjun was staring at. Soobin poked his cheek and dragged him to the game. "Let's play" he said and Yeonjun was shocked.

"No no it's okay Binnie we don't have to"

"I want to, so we're going to play~" he said, giving Yeonjun some rings to toss after paying.

"But Binnie, these games are usually rigged- you have less chance of getting anything than winning the lottery."

Soobin shook his head and threw some rings at the bottles. "Nonsense cutie, I believe"


Soobin had been tossing rings for 20 minutes and spent nearly a hundred dollars to no avail and he was getting irritated so he bought a large bucket of rings and threw it at the bottles, winning three prizes. He gave two to some random kids but kept a large fox one for Yeonjun who was happy to receive it.

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