I leaned into his ear to whisper. "Are you trying to pop a tittie in your mouth or something".

Y/c face became flustered at my words and he immediately stopped rubbing up and down my waist. "N-no I-I I didn't realise sorry".

I playfully roll my eyes at his response. "Don't worry I'm playing y/c"

I mischievously smirk at him."Unless you want to right now I don't mind".

Y/c mind went blank. "No it's fine".

I smiled at him. "Well the offer still stands".


30 minutes later

Y/bf paused the movie and we all decided to get snacks in my kitchen.

I struggled grabbing the popcorn from the top cabinet. "hey y/bf can you grab that popcorn for me" I smiled at her in embarrassment.

She pats my head. "You little pea of cour-" y/c immediately cut her off.

"Don't worry y/bf I'll grab it for y/n." Y/c said in a cocky tone. "I've got it".

"Alright go on y/c". Y/cf wooed.

"Show us how it is done lad"

He stretched his arms to grip the popcorn down."I don't know why you always keep your popcorn so high up". Y/c unknowingly knocked over the 3 cereal boxes as he was bringing the popcorn down.

"Woah y/c watch out!" I quickly tell him.

too late

The cheerios from the cereal box spilt over y/c and on the ground.

Y/c face twisted in embrassement as his friends began to laugh.

I took a deep breath out to stop myself from laughing.

y/bf mischievously smirked at y/c. "Yeah you totally got it". She says as she leaves the kitchen with his friends.

"Hey, leave him alone y/bf". I shout at her.

Y/c went over to grab the brush. "I'm sorry y/n I know this is your favourite cereal as well". Y/c said apologetically whilst shaking head to get rid of any cheerios in his hair.

I take the brush off him and began sweeping up the cheerios off the floor. "Hey don't worry you can just buy me another one". I smile cheekily at him.

"Hey what's taking you two so long we're having a pillow fight!"


An confused expression was placed on my face whilst entering the living room.

I held my box of popcorn. "I thought we still watching the movie guys?".

Y/bf threw a pillow at y/c. "We'll watch it later".

Y/bf strutted around the living room pretending to be a ring woman."Round one y/c vs y/cf."

"Cheer of you are on team y/c." Y/bf held the remote to her lips pretending it was mic.

"WOOHOOO go y/c". I cheered alone as everybody else was on team y/cf

The pillow fight was intense and at this point I didn't know who was going to win. At the last minute y/c pulled a sneaky attack on y/cf that left y/cf tumbling.

I excitedly cheered at his win. "YASSSSS YOU DID IT"

Y/bf hands him the remote and y/c begins saying a speech and his eyes remained on mine . "I just want thank everyone who supported me and I want to thank my number 1 supporter the beautiful y/n".

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