Chapter Fifty-Two - Mutts

Start from the beginning

Finnick, as he had promised, was right after me and Kai was right after him. The only person left was Jackson. We all turned to see her with her gun still raised, looking through the darkness with her weak beacon of light.

   "Lieutenant, let's move." Kai said as quietly as he could while Jackson slowly and cautiously turned her back to the tunnels, the thought of safety flashing through her mind. But here, in the Capitol, you can't think like that. Your never safe and you should never turn your back to the darkness. That's what gets you killed.

And that's why she was the first to go.

They came in a big group, all trying to fight their way through the crawl space while some of them settled for devouring a screaming Lieutenant Jackson. We couldn't reach her, unable to put her out of her misery. But Katniss came in with her bow loaded with one of her explosive arrows. She let it fly and BOOM, red hot heat came from where we had just crawled through. But the fire didn't stop those mutts.

They were scarier in person, maybe because now they were real and I couldn't just tell myself to wake up and all of it would just go away. The mutts were really there and they were out for blood. Our blood.

"Pollux, get us out of here!" Someone shouted as we all ran through the water, Finnick grabbing my hand so tightly that I could barely feel it. Kai was behind us, shooting at the mutts before ultimately giving up and running behind us.

The water dragged at our feet as we ran, our flashlights not doing us any good but still we had them on. Fear filled up my body as Finnick pulled me behind him, running our way closer to the group, over taking some. Screams and snarls echoed in the darkness beyond but no one dared look back. That was, until the inhuman screams turned real.

Having caught up to us, the mutts trampled over one of the cameramen, Castor. His painful screams echoed in my ears as we watched the man be pulled and dragged under the sewage water. Kai took his gun, shooting at some of the mutts but there were so many of them there, all after us.

Finnick pulled out his trident, pressing a button and extending its blades before he shoved it into the chests of one of the beasts. I gripped my knife tightly in my hand, slamming it into the rubbery skinned skull of one of the mutts.


And once again another arrow bomb went off the I could feel the heat of the explosion eat at my skin. I abandoned the knife in the creatures skull, having no time to rip it out before more came piling in the tunnel. With Finnick by my side and Kai behind me, we ran with the rest of the unit.

As we kept running, I watched as about two dozen more mutts crowded the tunnel directly in front of us and to our right.

"Fuck!" I screamed, feeling a strong pull on my arm that forced me to follow left.

We kept running, my feet pounding and the adrenaline pulsing through my veins. I couldn't tell if it was the sewer water or the sweat that covered my body.

   We made it to an open section of the sewer tunnels, the first thing catching my eye being the tall rusty ladder that lead out of here. Finnick was ahead of me, waving his blood soaked trident around and knocking the mutts away from me. But in all his protective efforts, I felt a strong tug on my hair that sent me flying off of the grate platform and slamming into the water.

   I turned around, the weight of the mutt heavy on my chest as it snapped it's ugly ass teeth in my face. I screamed in pain as it's fingers dug into my side but I clenched my teeth together, using all my strength to kick the beast off of me. The mutt went flying back and I watched as it slammed its head into the metal. I looked to a broken off piece of rebar sitting in the water.

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