Chapter Twenty-Eight - District 13

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"Start off simple."

"Start with what you know is true."

"I am Katniss Everdeen."

"My home is District 12."

"I was in the Hunger games."

"I escaped."


"Peeta was left behind."

I rocked back and forth, my breath coming heavy and rapid as I tried to calm myself down. The tunnels were dark and it's eerie silence calmed me. I had been here an hour at this point, repeating the same things over and over and over again. It didn't do me any good but I thought it would help.

Suddenly, I heard voices.

"You can't just force her out of here." A deep masculine voice told someone and I heard the other groan. I shifted my body so that I was out of view from the people in the tunnels.

"Yeah well I don't see you doing anything about it." Another man said but he didn't sound half as intimidating as the other guy.

"I'll take care of it, but only me, you understand?" The masculine boy said and I could basically hear the eye roll from the other guy.

"You think your so high and mighty..."

"That's because I am." The man cut him off. "You do as I say, now go and tell the others that I have this handled."

There was a long silence before I finally heard the less scary sounding man walk off. He seemed pretty pissed off but I couldn't care less, pressing myself closer to the wall so that I knew I couldn't be seen.

The man's footsteps echoed through the tunnels and loudly in my ears. Tears streamed down my sweaty cheeks as he got closer and closer. Why couldn't they just leave me alone? Why couldn't I have one minute without being babysat by one of the military guards?

"You can't keep chasing me." I called out to him and I instantly regretted it, hearing the man's footsteps cease. I slowly turned my head to look at him, his bright white light illuminating the tunnel.

He stood in the middle of it, tall and strong as if nothing could take him down. His hair was a deep messy brown and he wore a black leather jacket over his tight military uniform. I knew who he was and I also knew he held a high rank in the District 13 military.

It was still hard to believe that the people of District 13 were still alive. I was taught to believe that 13 was bombed by the Capitol. Obviously they were wrong.

"You can't keep running from me." The man said, his voice, still intimidating, was calm and soft. He knew exactly where I was and I heard him make his way over to where I was sitting.

I looked away, his light burning my eyes as if I was looking into the sun. I was only just able to see him standing over me in the corner of my eye. He was really tall, but then he bent down so that he was at level with me.

"I run so you can't find me." I told him as I looked into his deep amber brown eyes. He had a sharp jawline and a cleanly shaved face so that his tan skin showed. How he was able to be tan still confused me considering we haven't seen the sun in weeks. Or maybe it was days. I had lost track of time a while ago.

"Yeah, and look where we are." The boy said and he let out a laugh. "You tried it yesterday and the day before that. I always find you Katniss."

"Leave me alone Kai." I told him but the boy just sat down, getting comfortable where he was.

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