Chapter Nineteen - Katniss Everdeen

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I woke up the next morning with Finnick still holding me close in his arms so I gave him a long kiss on the forehead. His eyes fluttered open and he smiled when our eyes met. Normally he would be annoyed that I woke him up but I guess now it's different.

"You ready?" Finnick asked and I sighed, nodding my head.

I got to my feet, the cold concrete sending shivers up my legs. I walked over to the bathroom, turning on the tap and splashing my face with cold water. Finnick came up behind and wrapped his arms around my waist, pressing his lips against my neck. I leant my head back and let out an exhausted sigh, thinking about the Games. Finnick continued up my neck, kissing me until he reached my lips.

   "You okay?" He asked against my lips.

   "Still wishing you hadn't volunteered." I said and he shook his head.

   "And what if I was called up?" He asked and I didn't say anything, knowing all too well that I would have done the same thing. "I would do anything for you Reef Barlowe, just like how you'd do anything for me."

   "You suck." I said with a smile and he smiled back. "Now come on, breakfast awaits."

   Me and Finnick found our seats at the table, the smell of cooked bacon and eggs filling my lungs. I hadn't eaten since the train so I was a bit hungry. I was given a plate of a few pieces of bacon and a cheese omelet, a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice already waiting for me.

   "So here's the plan." Finnick said as the two of us ate. I wasn't sure where Casimir was but it was probably important if he wasn't here. "Allies."

   "Right." I said, taking a sip of the juice. "Do the same rules apply with the Careers?" I asked and Finnick shook his head.

   "For one and two yes, but I'm not sure about us." He said. "I think we intimidate them."

   "Yeah right." I scoffed. "You maybe."

   "Not the point." Finnick said. "The point is—"

   The boy was cut off when a man came marching into the room and I wasn't sure who he was. He looked important, but if he was important, wouldn't he have a security detail. Even so, he walked with purpose and a smile on his face.

"Ms Barlowe." He said, reaching for my hand as I stood. I gave it to him and he gave it a light polite kiss but I was uncomfortable just because I was confused. "Mr Odair." He said, releasing my hand and shaking Finnick's.

"I'm a little confused, not gonna to lie." I said and the man laughed a little. He was a big guy, his grey hair combed back and he wore a crisp black suit.

"I don't blame you Ms Barlowe." He said with a light smile. "My name is Plutarch Heavensbee, the Head Gamemaker of this year's Games."

Now I was really nervous. Why would the Head Gamemaker want to see us? Did we do something? Last I checked we hadn't done anything, unless Finnick did something I didnt know about. Or maybe Kai did something back at Four.

"Please, don't be alarmed by my visit." Plutarch said but I still felt anxious.

"Well what gives us the honor?" Finnick asked and the man nodded with a smile.

"As you already know, there have been riots across Panem. Riots against the Capitol." He said and I glanced over at Finnick who glanced back at me. "Did you know there's a rebel group?"

"No sir." Finnick said before I could answer, not like I'd say anything different then that.

"Well I do." Plutarch said. "And I'm part of it."

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