Chapter Thirty-One - Prisoners

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Is death supposed to feel like this?

Wasn't it supposed to be nice?

This wasn't nice

Why was it so dark?

I felt nothing

I saw nothing

I was nothing

But slowly, after what felt like forever, I could begin to feel things again. It was slow and gradual but the pain came and it came in hard. I wanted to scream from its aching intensity, but still it was so dark.

Why was it so damn dark?

I don't remember how long I had spent my time in that state before I finally found the strength to open my eyes. But even as I tried to do that, it burned, as if the sun was staring me down. I still could barely feel my arms or legs but that pain was present.

Squinting my eyes, I finally began waking up from whatever nightmare of a sleep I was in. When I finally pried my eyes open, I looked around the room I was in. The white walls surrounded me, closing me in like a animal in an insane asylum.

I lifted my hands up, pressing them against my pounding head as I looked down to the small bed I sat on. The mattress was thin so it was extremely uncomfortable. I pushed up my body slightly so that I was sitting up more comfortably but that caused even more pain. I clenched my teeth and bit my tongue, the metallic taste of blood filling my mouth as a single tear streamed down my cheek.

I looked down to myself and looked at the hospital gown that I wore. That was when I started remembering what happened before the world disappeared. I remembered the arena and the humid jungle that surrounded us. I remembered the Cornucopia that spun and the challenges that each hour brought.

I remembered Blight died first, then Wiress, and then I got bitten and stabbed. Then there was Finnick.



Where's Finnick,

That's where I found my strength to get up, his name going through my head over and over again. And the most important question

Where is he?

Where's Finnick?

I shot up, ignoring the pain in my bad leg and the pounding in my head that told me to lay back down. The world was dizzy for a minute but I shook out of it, regaining my vision. The one thing about this pain though, it was ten times better then when in the arena. Something must have happened. I couldn't process anything to remember where I actually was so the confusion was messing with me.

"Reef?" I heard my name, it was loud but muffled. Hoping that it was Finnick, I turned to where the voice had come from but I was disappointed to find it wasn't him. But it was someone else I was worried about.

"Peeta?" My voice said groggily as I looked at the blonde boy who stood behind a glass wall.

His room was identical to mine, white with a single bed in the corner. He wore the same hospital gown as me and he looked pale, weak, and tired. I wanted to get up and hug him, but even if I wasn't in pain, there was still the glass wall that divided us.

I went back in my memories and remembered what had happened back in the arena. I remembered him running back into the jungle to go find Katniss after Finnick ran off to find her. I remembered me following after him and I remembered the feeling of death climbing up my body. I remembered the peacekeepers and falling and then Peeta found me. After that my memory got hazy, but the last thing I remembered was him saying was that he wasn't going to leave me.

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