1. A Dinner Date.

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Madeline stretched as she straightened up, letting out a small yawn. Looking over to her slick black nightstand she saw that she had awoken past noon, not that it mattered since it was Saturday. Deciding to leave the warm embrace of her large bed, she stood up and crossed the spacious bedroom pulling on a plumb silk robe as she did. She opened the curtains and looked out at her balcony, taking a moment to admire the whole city sprawling out below her before turning away. 

Leaving her bedroom she descended down a staircase and arrived on the lower floor of her monochrome and modern penthouse. How a 27-year-old could afford a two-story penthouse by herself, nepotism was the main factor at play. Sighing, she walked through her open living room and into the barren black and white kitchen. Apart from a coffee pot, the white countertop was empty. The inside of the refrigerator was the same, nothing but boxes of take-out and some milk inside. And it was always a guessing game which of the many overhead cupboards the sole box of cereal had been put away in. 

Starting the coffee maker she poured herself a bowl of the slightly stale cereal and ate it at the counter, unbothered by the bland taste. Once she finished, she placed her dishes in the dishwasher and poured herself a cup of coffee. Crossing back through the living room she opened one of the double glass doors out onto the large balcony on the first floor and leaned against the railing, breathing in the scent of lavender and jasmine from her flower boxes as she looked out over the compact city below her. 

Even though the sight was beautiful, she couldn't enjoy it. She simply breathed in the outside air and struggled to drink her morning coffee. She hated the taste of it but needed the caffeine to give her energy in the morning. She generally wouldn't have bothered on the weekend, preferring to sleep her days off work away, but she did have one important thing to do that day; therapy. 

Sighing, she pushed herself off the railing and headed back inside to get ready for her appointment that afternoon. "Come on Madeline, time to make yourself look presentable." 

. . . 

"That is very interesting," the calm and cool voice of Dr. Blodd murmured as he wrote something down in his notebook where he sat across from her. His secluded therapy room was equipped with the standard reclining sofa, but it was never used as Madeline found the thought demeaning. She sat across from him during all of their sessions, refusing to give up an inch of control. "You're saying that there was a change in that recurring dream of yours, that's great news, Ms. Marcelle." He congratulated her in a placid tone that was only a few degrees shy of complete indifference. 

"I'm not so sure, I'm more confused than ever now," she said as she picked at imaginary bits of lint on her pinstriped suit. "I've never met someone who looks like him, yet he was asking me to save him… what does it mean?" She asked, hoping that her trusted therapist would have some insight into the change in her dream. 

"Well, it's difficult to say since dreams mean different things to everyone, but I will say that any change is a good change. Perhaps this was your subconscious mind trying to tell you that it's time to get out into the world and help others again?" He suggested, pushing back the few strands of dark hair that had fallen in front of his eyes before glancing at the clock. "Regardless, please keep writing down your dreams Ms. Marcelle and tell me about any more changes at our next session." 

"Of course, thank you for your time Dr. Blodd." She thanked him, shaking his hand as she stood before exiting the office. She stepped into the waiting room where Dr. Blodd's scatterbrained assistant was busy chatting with the young lady who had her appointments right after her. "Hello Miss Debonaire, I hope you have a good Saturday." She greeted her, her lips pursed

"I hope you do too Madeline," the young woman gave Madeline a charming smile as she slipped past her into the doctor's room.

I'm not sure why, but something about that girl unnerves me- she thought as she looked behind her, a chill traveling down her spine. Something about Miss Debonaire made her uneasy. Before she could think more about it she was distracted by the ringing of her phone. 

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