Episode Two:" Hungover and hungry"

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I woke with the scent of my own sweat. My head pounded and the sun didn't help I felt lethargic and groaned as I realized I was back in my dorm room. Last night was a blur, and I mean it I only remember talking to Sal and that's it nothing more.
"Oh your awake" Sal peered over. I groaned "Something like that". Sal seemed chipper but also bigger in weight. I  touched my stomach and gasped I was fat too.
"What the fucking hell" I shrieked.
"Ty what is wrong" Sal said. I struggle to get up and let out muffled fart as I stood.
"This is fucking creepy, I am going to class" I say. Sal looks at me.
"But you can't forget breakfast. I gulped something weird was going on. I was in over my pounding head.
"Come on please" Sal said. I  stared at him for along time. He was still chipper.
"No" I said.
"Oh I see, seems you didn't get a big enough dose last night" Sal sighed. I gulp but was forced down.
"You don't need to got to class, you will come to see this is not any ordinary school" Sal smiled.
"Give him the pig cream" a voice said. I was gagged by a tubed and restrained as a pinkish cream enter my stomach with senses dulled I swallow it all and groaned as another fart and burp exited my bowels. This wasn't a school. It was a nightmare.

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