Prophet Ilyas's Story

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According to a tradition from of Ibn 'Abbas, after Musa, Yusha' Bin Noon divided the population of The Israelites in Syria and Syria was divided among them. One of the groups was settled in the city named Baelbak where Ilyas preached the people. There was an idol worshipper king who compelled his subjects to worship the statue named 'Baggal' as their god.

Allah the exalted says,

"And Ilyas was most surely of the apostles. When he said to his people, do you not guard (against evil): (Are you not afraid of Allah's chastisement? What! Do you call upon Ba'l and for sake the best of creators. Allah, your Lord and the Lord of your father of yore?" (37:123-6)

But they called him a liar and didn't believe his words. The king's wife was a sinful woman. When the king went abroad, he entrusted the kingdom to his wife. She had a clerk. He was very wise and intelligent who saved the lives of three hundred people from her. She was the most sinful woman of the world. Seven kings of Jerusalem married her. She was mother of 90 children and grandchildren.

The king's neighbor was virtuous. He believed in Allah and His apostles. His garden was next to the king's palace. The income of garden was his livelihood. The king also respected him. Once the king went for a traveling. She took a chance of the absence of the king and murdered him and took away the garden from his family. Allah became very angry. When the king returned from the journey, he was informed by his wife. The king said that she had done wrong.

Allah commissioned Ilyas on the people to preach them about true religion and pray to Allah and Him only, and give up idol worship but the people said that he was a liar, insulted him and threatened to kill him but he remained patient. Again, he invited people towards Allah and to obey his commands but their attitude became worst day by day. According to Allah's revelation, Ilyas informed the king to "give up all controversies otherwise Allah will destroy you." The king became very angry and decided to punish him severely and kill him. Ilyas learnt of it and left the city and took shelter on a mountain. He stayed there for seven years and spent his time in prayer and survived on fruits only. Allah kept His Prophet in His protection and kept his place secret from their sight. In the meantime the king's son became worst, people lost all hopes and were disappointed. He was very much beloved to king. People worshipped their idols for the recovery of king's son but failed. The king thought that Ilyas would be on the mountain so he sent his men. The men called out to him and requested him to come down and pray for the king's son. Ilyas came down and said, "Allah the creator has sent me to you and I am the Prophet. Listen to me. Go to the king and give the message. Allah is one. He is alone and has no partner. Allah gives livelihood to every one. He creates men and He can destroy. He has power and command. Why does the king not request Allah, the merciful and instead prays to the dumb and idols?"

The people went to the king and narrated that to him. The king got annoyed and ordered his men to bring him as a prisoner "because he is my enemy." The people could not find him and returned. The king sent his fifty chiefs from the army to arrest him. He said, "First tell him that we trust you and your Allah. When he comes to you, arrest him and bring him here." The fifty commanders went to the mountain and said in the loud voice, "We trust you so please come down and meet us." Ilyas was in the forest, he heard them. He raised his hands to Allah for the prayed to allow him to go to them "and if they are liars, protect me from them and send a chastisement of fire to burn them." Allah is knowing and hearing. Allah sent a chastisement of fire at once and they were all destroyed in a moment. When the king came to know he was furious and ordered his wife's clerk who was good and pious and a believer of Allah to go along with people. And said, "It is time of repentance, go to Ilyas and pay allegiance to him and ask him to come and preach and show the right path." Then he told his people to give up idol worship.

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