Chapter 17 - Maybe happy endings exist

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A/N considering this is the last chapter this is going to be long. What are your thoughts on the book until now? What do you think it will happen in the end?

It's been 2 months since the day I've promised Hyunjin I'll try my best to take things slowly and try to win his trust again. Guess what? We've moved basically together since the day we left the cabin and we spent each night in each other's arms, with no exception. During the week he's been working and sometimes he would take me with him at some shootings. While working he didn't forget to take constant looks at me to make sure I'm ok. We've came up with a plan. If it happened to feel something off, I'd massage the back of my head, and he would come and give me a reassuring and tight embrace. He made me feel like a child, but I can't lie, it made me feel safe and loved. I've always wanted to support his work but I didn't know how to fight my thoughts. Now I don't have to fight them, I just accept and share them with hyung and he would assure me everything is alright.

During days I'm free and alone at home I usually study for my Chinese classes I've started recently or I watch some Disney movies with Innie. Since my decision of moving back to Korea I feel like a new me. Actually I am. I feel less anxiety that I've felt in my entire life and that's because I've started to see the real me. I finally had the courage one day, with Hyunjin's support, to call my parents and tell them that I want to start a new life in Korea and I can't help them anymore with their business. My hands were trembling and my chest was heavy, but thanks to Hyunjin, the urge to take my usual pills faded. Only his encouraging smile was able to calm me down and gave me the strength.

Of course my parents were not excited hearing the news but that time, because I was so confident with my words, they didn't sell me the usual excuses and didn't try to manipulate me. My mom asked if anything else had happened and why's that I sound so different and my only answer was that I don't really know, but all I know is that I am where I'm supposed to be. They don't call me often, every two weeks or less, but it's fine with me.

"Babe! I'm home."

As soon as I hear his voice I jump from the couch and I jump to hug him tightly, with my legs around his waist.

"Why so clingy today, sweetheart?" he asks laughing and my heart just skips a beat.

"I've missed you! A lot hyungie!"

He places a soft kiss on my forehead.

"I'm here now and we have the entire weekend for ourselves. What do you wanna do?"

"Can we just cuddle all day and eat snacks?" I look at him with big puppy eyes.

"Anything that suits you, Lixie."

"YAY!!" I jump excited reaching the kitchen and I accidentally bump my toes on a slightly open drawer.

"Ouch!!" I pout while tears are coming to my eyes.

"Hey!What happened, baby?"

Hyunjin reaches me immediately with a shocked expression on his face. He lifts me and with his leg he closes the drawer.

"Jeez Lixie!" He places me on the couch and wraps a fluffy blanket around my shoulders."Wait here. I'll bring some ice for your feet."

I start to sob, because my tolerance for pain is somewhere around -1 and hurting your toes on a drawer really hurts and it's annoying.

"Don't cry, baby. I'll take care of you and your precious legs, you need them in perfect state you know?!" He lifts my feet and places little kisses on each of my toe. After that he presses a bag of frozen fruits on it.

"It hurts even more hyung!" I cry like a baby.

"Keep it here and stop complaining." He leans and touches my lips with his. I can taste his sweet breath in my mouth and I relax a bit.

Lonely in gorgeous // HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now