chapter 4 : Overloaded

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Amarè POV

After I hear his name and see his face I hear a loud noise bang up my head, it gets worse,
When he walks up to me I feel my head dizzy as if I had banged on my head before for a minute there were a lot of images running into my mind I'm watching a movie

But this movie is more of a catastrophe more traumatic one than the nightmares I had after, my dad died

This feels heavy to me all of a sudden

Conscience POV

Gosh who the heck is this guy I'm feeling what she had been feeling god for real

I seem to remember him but I don't know where I have seen him.

Gosh, if he's a ??? I don't know you know a guy who's her friend I don't know maybe her childhood sweetheart

" closes mouth " No way that should not happen what about Axel then, this is making me go crazy pls don't tell me what I said was true.

Amarè POV

I get snapped out of it by a familiar voice I thought it was Alan, it was calling out like Ams, and the only person who calls me that is my dad and Alan.

So thinking that it was Axel I looked at him and then smiles. **Shaking head in disbelief as I look at him ***

Well, this changes the tide it's not Axel , but this guy William.

What the hell is this guy doing here anyway. Maybe it's because of the sudden surprise of knowing that it was not Axel but HIM??

I can see Axel's face turning red and kept on stari g at that guy .God knows what's in his mind.

Axel POV

Jeez, how dare he get near my girl and call her that. He indeed has got the nerve to be near her. Although he is a newcomer he has got all that it takes to blush and stands just in front of my girl.

What the hell is she trying to do, Is she for real how dare she smile at him? I need to enlighten her with a lesson for sure.

She makes me go crazy for her is she testing my tolerance to the most level or is she trying to make me envious? If she has got the nerve to do that then,

**smirks** then I will show my girl how to make a person envious.

William POV

Gosh, those eyes, that face, and her smile all make me remember how cute she was when she tagged along by my side. She never changed. The way she occurred in my life was way different from how anyone has eternally appeared in my life.

She is more unique to me than anyone. I guess she has failed to recognize me already but if I can turn the tide I will make her remember me again.

I get back from my thought when miss Jennifer asks me to settle beside the boy called Alan, I'm pretty sure he is mad at me for something because I can see him grinding his teeth in anger. God knows what's up with this boy

Amarè POV

Oh God, that was terrible. I take a glance at Alan, he is so damn mad at me for some reason, he doesn't even look my way. What am I even supposed to do...


As it was the break period, I thought of clearing up things with Alan but I got confronted by Williams.

Conscience POV

Oh God, I guess he is the doom of her life.

Amarè POV

Well, I asked him what, have you got any issues bud. He replied saying well I'm William, nice to meet you gorgeous.
I guess I was flustered by hearing that caused my cheeks to turn red like a rose. By that, I can see Axel clenching his fist tight like a rock.

Alan walks away I have to catch up with him otherwise I'm doomed. I make a quick excuse at William that I have to go. I guess I'm late, although he is walking with his tall legs I can't even catch up with him by running. I notice that Alan was nowhere to be found. But after walking a few steps right into the corridor I saw someone and it was Axel.

I saw him flirting with Alice, the one only person who stole Grace from me and that's what got right on my nerve.
After he knew everything he still flirted with her, that arrogant woman whom I despised the most in life.

I walk away in tears, so all this while I have been living a delusion? His calling me Love and Ams was fake!! He is a playboy who toys with others feeling.

He is an outlandish idiot . I shouldn't have loved. I shouldn't have cared for him. Why is he driving me crazy?

Conscience POV
That monkey freaking shit shouldn't have done this. I kept all my trust in him and he is such an idiot who can't realise her love for him , I would rather support William that him but Im kinda glad I got to know that Amarè like him .

***Rethinking again about what had happened just now**

Wooooh, wait HOLD ON A MINUTE. Did she just say she liked him? Incredible, this is what I have been waiting for her to say. I knew she liked him. This is cool.

Amarè POV

Since he is not true. I guess he wouldn't give a damn about whom I'm with. I mean anyways why would he care and why the hell am I even crying? I cry for him, well no. Not anymore.

If he doesn't give a damn about me why would I give a damn about him anyways? He wants to flirt with her, then she is all yours.

But if that shit comes to me. I swear I will smack the hell out of his face. He is a lunatic.

Conscience POV

Ooh, I didn't know that she loved him so damn much. I like this so much. So much jealousy in a moment. She cared for with him all her heart.

Nice I will wait and see what is going to happen between the two. Woooh I'm already too enthusiastic about what is going to happen

***INNER SCREAMS ( Excited ) ***


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