4 ~ Always with Dream

Start from the beginning

"D— Dream..?" George asked tiredly, taking his hand and placing it on Dreams stomach, his finger tips just touching his chest.

"Hi love, how did you sleep?" Dream asked, taking his hand and placing it on top of George's that lay on his stomach, rubbing along his forearm and hand.

"With you.." George hesitantly spoke tiredly, gripping onto the tallers shirt slightly. Dream chuckled at George's obliviousness, he didn't know what Dream had said and he just kept stuffing himself closer to him. It was adorable. Dream had agreed in his mind that he loved sleepy George. All sleepy George wanted was cuddles and he was oblivious to anything else around him.

"I gotta piss George, can you let go?" Dream asked as he loosened his grip on the brunette.

"N— No.." George yawned.

"Cmon love, I'll make you some pancakes for breakfast" Dream bent down and placed a small kiss on George's forehead, then getting up and out of the bed to make their food and to to the washroom. (me rn😘🔫)

Dream heard a meow from outside his door, and grabbed his phone so he could check the time.

6:25am, Patches breakfast being at half past.

Since they had school soon, Dream pissed then quickly went downstairs to start making the pancakes. Patches following behind him, wanting food.

"Here you go Patchyy" Dream smiled as he got some wet cat food and put it in Patches pink bowl that had a white little fish on the front.

"Morning Dream" A voice that wasn't George's shuffled into the kitchen, grabbing a bowl from the cabinet.

"Morning Dris, I thought you were staying at Veronica's?" Dream asked as he got a big orange bowl out, along with 2 eggs, oil, a 3/4ths measuring cup and an Aunt Jemima pancake mix.

"I was, but she got sick at like 12 so her mom took me home, not wanting me sick too" she sighed tiredly as she grabbed the coco puffs from the pantry and the milk from the fridge. Pouring the cereal in first then the milk, also grabbing a baby spoon and going to sit on the couch.

"You want pancakes?" Dream asked.

"Yeah, only 2 small ones though. Why are you making them— you never make anything" Drista snickered.

"Shut up! I do! Like- I made cookies" he protested

"Yeah, last month!" She practically shouted.

"Drista shut up, George is sleeping." Dream said while whisking the ingredients together.

"George? Who's George? Oh yeah, can I meet him? Please and why is he here" Drista asked, looking over at Dream intriguingly.

"Yeah sure, I went out with him the other night and it was late so he decided to crash here"
Dream started to pour 2 little circles in the pan that he had gotten out and heated up before getting the ingredients.

"You went out with him? Like as a date?" She asked as she put another spoonful of coco puffs into her mouth.

"What— no! I didnt go out with him. It was a double date, he went with his girlfriend and I went with mine. Nothing gay about it." Dream defended himself, he had always questioned about his sexuality, and knew he wasn't straight, but had talked with Dris about it last night.

"I'll be the judge of that." Drista spoke sternly as they brought their bowl over to the sink, rinsing it out with water and stuffing it in the dishwasher.

"What-?" Dream said as he flipped the pancakes, them being the perfect golden brown colour.

"I'll be the judge if he's gay for you, and if your gay for him" she gleamingly smiled.

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