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You quietly and happily hummed to your self as you watched tv while waiting on the food.
You had already told him what you wanted so now it was time to wait.

"What are you doing." Tendou asked as you look over confused.
"What?" You asked confused as you lowered the volume a little more.
"Are your humming or am I hearing things." He asked before stretching.
You look away and shrugged.
You probably got to excited and started to hum to yourself,yikes.

But he didn't pressure about it anymore and scrolled through his phone. You glance at him and took a second to observe his features.
He seemed very unbothered and bored,maybe it was his face.  The way you can sum it up was that he had a resting bitch face.

You looked away before he notices. But it slips from your mind as there was a plot twist in your show causing you to become completely distracted yet again as you adjusted your blanket around you some.
'Huh! She slept with his brother!?' You thought as the drama kicked in.
Suddenly you looked over feeling chills and possibly saw him look away back at his phone, maybe you imagined it. His face remained the same before you look back at the tv.
"Hey why is it so cold in here?" He sang in a sad tone while placing his phone down on his chest.

"Maybe it's because you don't have a blanket." You nonchalantly said as your eyes focused on the screen.  He gave a single chuckle and sighed.

"Maybe you should share." He cooed.
You look over at his smirking face before smiling.
He seemed to loose some confidence but he didn't let it faze him to much.
"Where's the food?" You asked remembering about it. 

"...oh" he then looked at his phone but before he could unlock it,there was some knocking.
You get up tossing the blanket at him once more as he silently grunted.
You look through the peep hole seeing a guy with dark hair holding a bag in his hand.
You opened the door as you were met with a smile.

"Here you go,enjoy...heyy.your that chick from high school!" He said standing up straight.

A certain someone's ears listened in.

You stood there dumbfounded.
"...I'm sorry who are you?" You asked awkwardly as he handed the food to you before you slightly closed the door some more.

"Ouch..but it's me, we dated for like a week!" He exclaimed while looking down before immediately looking back up.
You became uncomfortable wondering if your tank top was to exposing or something.
It started to ring a bell though.

"I don't think I ever said yes..." you said as your voice trailed off.  His face fumed from embarrassment.
"Well...how have you been?" He asked trying to make conversation before you felt a presence from behind.

"Helloo~." He sang as he leaned on the door frame. The guy jumped before clearing his throat.

"Well I gotta go,nice seeing you." He said waving bye.

"That's a no no, bad review it is." He sang as though it was a inescapable demise.
You finished closing the door with a lock before turning around.

"I don't really remember him...now I feel kinda bad." You said as tendou took the bag from your hands.
"I love that little memory space you have." He teased making your ears warm.
He walked to the couch and sat down taking the items out of the bag.
"You never dated anyone before little miss forgetful?" He asked as he placed your food on your side of the table.
You sit down next to him trying to think.
"No I don't think so,I was dealing with some personal issues with my parents so I didn't think much about having a boyfriend." You said while grabbing a straw from his hand.

He hums.
"Where are your parents now? If you don't mind me asking." He says has he begins to eat while you put your straw in your cup.
"A couple hours away,they kinda kicked me out." You said holding in a small laugh. He looked over and raised a brow.
"It's quite hard imagining you would get kicked out." He said through a full mouth.

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