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"Hm..." the store didn't have your usual brand of napkins you would usually get,they probably ran out or something. You shrug it off as you grabbed another brand and put it in your cart.
Soon you made your way a couple more isles down finding your way at some boxes of much needed necessities. The time has arrived.

You squat while giving a small grunt to get a better view at the choices. You currently wore your hoodie and some sweatpants since you went home forgetting about your period and your need for more napkins after getting off work. You sigh not caring anymore since it was in the past,as long as you didn't leak in the middle of the night,you were fine to come back and get what you needed to prevent that.

You hummed quietly easily being distracted as you searched for your preferred brand.
During your search some people walked by including a few other women who was in your situation before you found it and placed the box in your cart. With a satisfied sigh you push your cart looking for the snacks.
You leaned your elbows on the handle of the cart as you pushed while scanning the shelves with tired eyes as it became past your usual bedtime.
'Ok just something to munch on,oh my god I want my bed so bad right now.' You thought fighting tears.
The store was quiet and the lights above  you hummed quietly.
'What's up with these prices...' you thought disappointingly before setting on something on the sweet side.
"Oh. A drink..." you mumbled to yourself turning around back to the fridges in the far back.
Sure you had water at home but you craved for something else at the moment.

While on your little journey,you fought off the temptations around you,if you took one second to look,you might find your self throwing it into the cart. 

The store was more empty now as it neared closing time.

You opened one of the doors to the fridge thing already knowing what you will grab.
The cold misty air slowly and lightly fell to the floor to your feet sending a small shiver up your spine before closing it. Suddenly you heard a stranger open another,you paid no mind.

You turned to leave and pause seeing this tall young man letting the door closed as he eyed the small container of chocolate ice cream.

'Oh nooo...' you thought as your inner voice trailed off. He didn't have a cart or a small basket,seems like he only wanted the ice crème.
He then walked past you not seeming to notice you,not taking even a second to glance at you.

Your mind was at peace as you simply continued to push your cart relieved you didn't have to talk.
You definitely weren't in the mood.
The cramping was rolling in and you were very sleepy...and yet that almost made you jump off a cliff or something. The feeling was barely there though.

You shook it off as you paused and stared at the frozen desserts too.
'Damn..' you thought as you gave in.


"Benji look what I got!" You happily said while pulling out the napkins that you had forgotten for about a week now.

Benji slithered back under his rock.

"And I got ice cream and a snack AND a drink, wow I'm spoiling my self." You sang as you put your items away.

Though you would enjoy it tomorrow instead, after a Long day of work of the last day of the week. You nod enjoying that idea.

You then take the box of pads and went to the bathroom to put one on not risking anymore time, it could start any second by now.
You finished up and put the box away under the sink in the cabinet.
You washed your hands and dried them before getting started to brush your teeth.
Once that was done you left,turning the lights off on your way out.

You slump into your fluffy bed melting into the cool sheets and big blanket.
Yep,the best feeling ever. You were to tired to shower,one in the morning will do.

You soon drift off to sleep.


You immediately shot up from your bed seeing the sun shine through your curtains making your stomach sink.

'Please,please,please...' you thought in a panic as you searched for your phone.

It was dead.

You jumped out of bed and immediately went into the shower. You knew you were late,big time. You felt to well rested to believe you weren't. 

Your heart raced as it was you against the time


You fumbled getting your shoes on as your hair was still damp.
"My keys...my keys..FUCK!" You shouted becoming frustrated as you begin digging in the couch as a last resort.

"Benji where'd did I leave them!" You cried as the noodle faced towards the kitchen before going to take a drink of water out of his small rock bowl.
You huffed before marching to the small kitchen space looking around.
"Fuck it,I looked everywhere." You mumbled as you opened the fridge.
There they were,right next to your drink.
You lean your head back,pinching the bridge of your nose as you snatched them.

"Thank you Benji." You pant as you dashed to leave. You unlocked and opened the door before closing and locking it with shaky hands.
You were never this late before. You don't think this would even get a pass at all even if your boss knew your father as a close friend.

You then walked in such a rush before immediately giving a small grunt.
"Woah,easy what's wrong?" A raspy voice called.

You looked up at tendou who had some mail In hand.
"Oh I'm so sorry,I'm late for work." You said in a slight high voice out of anxiety.
He continued to stand in the way as he raised a brow with narrowed eyes.
He examined your rushed outfit and damp messy hair and your heavy breathing.
He clearly held in a laugh but you didn't care you needed to leave NOW.

"Do you work on the weekend too?" He asked amused.

You slightly shook your head in confusion.
"W-what? No it's Friday." You huffed while patting your self down for your phone before remembering you left it on your bed...dead.

He lightly tapped on your head with one of the papers he had. "It's Saturday little miss forgetful." He cooed. 

You can visibly see your body release all tension as your shoulders slumped. 
"Really?.." you sighed not believing that you had the days mixed up in your head.
He hums as he slightly raised his chin. Eyeing you for a reaction.
"Pft.." you start to laugh as you placed a hand on your forehead feeling the heat from that embarrassment.

He stiffens slightly not expecting it before giving a small smile. That smile disappeared as fast as it came before turning into this usual smirk he had on whenever you had talked to him before.
"Well that was exhausting." You sighed as you turned to head back inside feeling the adrenaline rush already taking its leave. 
"You must work hard,take it easy and enjoy your ice cream. Bye bye~." He sang as he went inside his own place.

'So he did notice me...' you thought.
It Made your stomach feel funny but you were to relieved to dwell on it.
You happily went back inside with a smile on your face.


I can feel it...the motivation and the ideas are overwhelming my tiny brain 🫠🫶

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