Painting the Town

Start from the beginning

I wandered into the hangar very soon before the team and I would leave on our investigation. Sure enough, Y/n was still dead asleep, just like he was when I checked on him this morning. This wasn't the first time he fell asleep in his hangar, so I didn't worry all that much, but it is always odd to wake up with him not there.

I shook him awake, and he looked over at me with half-lidded eyes, which I couldn't help but smile at.

Me: I just wanted to let you know that the girls and I are going into Vale, so you don't worry when you wake up.

It took a minute for Y/n to process what I had said before his response.

Y/n: Alright, have fun and don't do anything stupid.

I laughed and stood back up.

Me: No promises.

Back to the Present, Your POV

Rosie finally noticed me and was very quick to make fun of me.

Rosie: Welcome back to the land of the living.

Me: Yeah, yeah, just laugh it up. You were the one that kept me up last night.

Rosie: Right, that's a good point. Maybe we should keep up with maintenance so we don't have twenty-hour work sessions that make you want to die.

Me: Yeah, you're probably right. Anyway, I'm going to go get something to eat.

Rosie: Well, you know where to find me.

I entered the cafeteria just in time for the first round of supper. And after more than a day without food, the usually odd-tasting food that they serve in the cafeteria was the most delicious thing I'd ever eaten.

After eating my dinner, I started heading back to the dorm since there was little else to do.

I literally had my hand on the doorknob when I got a call on my scroll. It was from Yang.

Me: Hello-

Yang: Hey Y/n, I'd love to talk some more, but we could really use some backup!

Me: Alright, share your location with me. I'm on my way!

I began sprinting down the hallway, passing many teams who were heading back to their dorms. As I was running, I got on coms with Rosie.

Me: Rosie, get into the ship; I'll be there soon!

Rosie: I'm on my way. What's wrong?

Me: No clue, but Yang called.

Rosie: Say no more!

I then cut off the coms and continued making my way to the ship. The second I stepped through the door, it shut and we took off.

When we reached the area, I embarked and got on coms with my team. Obviously, saying the signature line that not only sounds badass but is also a warning to clear the area.

Me: Standby for Titanfall!

The girls dove out of the way as we landed between them in a superhero landing pose. The enemy in front of us was some kind of smaller mech that Rosie completely towered over. It panicked and tried to shoot missiles at us. I quickly raised Rosie's hand and activated the vortex shield, catching the missiles and sending them back at it.

It stumbled but caught itself, and in retaliation, it began shooting heavy rounds at us. I began running towards it, dodging in a zig-zag motion, before tackling it, going into a roll, and doing an over-head slam on the ground.

It tried to raise one of its arms to try to shoot us, but I swatted its arm out of the way and activated my core.

I stared down the mech but saw that its pilot had ejected before the laser could go through his cockpit.

The man stood up and dusted off his suit. It was the same man from the other day.

Man: Ugh, I just cleaned this damn thing.

He noticed us and also noticed Rosie's rifle pointed right at him. Yet he seemed unfazed. A short girl with a parasol appeared in front of him as I fired a shot. The girl opened her parasol and blocked my shot without a trace of damage to it.

Man: Ladies, Robot. It's always a pleasure! Neo, if you would!

Yang charged forward, fury in her eyes, and threw a punch, only for the scene to shatter in front of her, leaving her confused.

I looked to the left and saw the man and girl in a bullhead, taunting us as they were about to fly away.

Me: Rosie, eject me!

Rosie: On it!

I flew through the air and grappled onto the bullhead, pulling myself to it. When I made contact with it, I threw the door open and kicked the surprised girl in the face, knocking her back and confusing her long enough for me to fire a shot into her chest, as well as the pilot's head. The pilot died, and the girl was now injured, but the man in the suit got the drop on me and punched me out of the bullhead's passenger bay.

I decided that it was now or never. It was time to test a little project I was working on. The project was a modified pulse blade. Since I didn't have one when Rosie and I crash-landed on this crazy planet, I decided to make one.

It was not only outfitted with the sonar technology that would let anyone see whatever it hit through walls, so long as they had the right technology to do so, but it also had a GPS tracker in it that would be sent directly to my scroll. This was to ensure that I would not lose whoever or whatever I hit with the blade.

I pulled the pulse blade from its sheath and threw it at the bullhead. I saw it stick to the hull as I grappled back to the girls.

They were all super bummed that he got away.

Ruby: Man, it sucks that we couldn't get him that time.

Me: Well, I wouldn't quite say that.

Ruby: Huh? What do you mean? He got away.

I refused to elaborate further and threw my arm over Yang's shoulders.

Me: Let's get back home, shall we?

Unbeknownst to the girls, I had shared the GPS location of the ship with the police, telling them that there was a criminal there.

With Roman

Man, these kids are getting crazier by the day. It's getting harder and harder to escape each time I encounter them, but at least I got away. One of them even managed to shoot Neo and kill the pilot of my getaway ship! Luckily, I know how to fly these things.

I became distracted as I heard a beeping coming from the back of the ship. After further investigation, I found that the beeping was coming from a knife that was sticking out of the ship.

I pulled it out of the hull and began looking at it. There was a small screen that had words on it. Below it was a button.

"GPS Tracking Enabled"

I was silent for a second before I spoke again.

Me: Fuck.

As I said that, I heard the sound of multiple doors being kicked in.

SWAT Officers: Vale PD, get down on the ground!

I didn't even try to fight it; I was in too much shock to do it, and before I knew it, I was thrown into the back of a police car.

With Y/n


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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