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Start from the beginning

"Don't you-" Liam rushed the creature but was blindsided by an attack, knocking him back as the doors closed. He looked up at the closed doors, his gray eyes distraught.

"No!" He ran over to the door, the button to the elevator not responding to his input. "Come on..." Will said in a panic.

"It's no use. The door is steel, with it on lockdown, there's no way out." The doctor remarked, glancing around the floor. "Now, where did that syringe-" He was cut off by a beaker shattering against his head, his body falling to the floor not long after. Will turned back to the door, trying to pry it open. "We need... To get out!" He yelled, trying to find his strength. "Liam, please..."

What? What do you plan to do? We can't take him Will, I was bluffing.

"We just need... To get out. Please, work with me here! I can't... Lose her..." He said struggling with the door, his eyes watering.

He sighed. Alright. Fine, Don't blame me if you get us killed.

Will's eyes began to grow red once more, but his mind wasn't replaced. His grip on the door became sturdier, and he slowly pryed the metal door open, able to see the elevator shaft to above. He quickly released a PokeBall, Absol appearing before him.

"Absol, I need you to keep an eye on Serena, I'll get the elevator back on. Get her upstairs as soon as you can." He instructed, his voice distorted similarly to how the shadows spoken.

"Ab-sol." The Pokemon replied, turning to go check on the girl.

Will nodded, jumping into the shaft and to start the climb up, hopefully Ash could hold his own for a little longer...


Ash continued to focus on Greninja, trying to find their connection to find what was wrong with his partner. Evan watched on distraught as the elevator arrived back to the main floor. "Oh good, Doctor. Do you have any idea how severe this poison-" The man stopped talking, frozen in fear as he saw what approached from the hallway. Ash opened his eyes to see what was happening.

A creature showed itself, a shadow with glowing red eyes, frightening both. "Oh, I'd say it's quite severe..." It laughed menacingly.

"W-wheres the doctor?" Evan asked in panic, not understanding what was going on. The Pokemon got into defensive positions, feeling the hostility.

"Oh, that isn't important right now. What's important is he has been keeping secrets from you Evan... I can only assume because you would know exactly why he has." It remarked.

"...Abigail... What did you go messing with Doctor..." Evan mumbled to himself.

"This isn't about you or him right now however, It's about them." The creature remarked looking over to Ash and Greninja. "You both have me quite curious..." It laughed.

"Where are Serena and Will?!" Ash yelled out.

It laughed even more. "The girl is taking a nap and I believe he's trying to break through a metal door. Forget about them for a moment however, this is what is important." It spoke cryptically.

"What are you talking about?" Ash said, still defensive and worried for his friends.

"This is quite simple child, I shall return your friends to you... But first, I think your partner there could use some help." It spoke, still with a sinister tone.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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