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Start from the beginning

Serena looked on at Will's partners, glimpses of memory's returning to her. She faintly remembers playing with a Chespin and Eevee, smiling and laughing as she tried to catch them, perhaps a game of tag? She looked at them with a smile. "I think I remember you two." She said to them, as they ran over to her happily.

"The Doctor told me to keep them out of his hair, so they kept to my room or PokeBalls most of the time. Once we get home I'll make sure they can go wherever they want." Will explained.

"Pika Pika." Pikachu said running over to meet the two new Pokemon friends as well.

Serena smiled, reaching for her own bag and releasing her partners as well.

"Del-phox." "Sylveon." "Pancham!" "Sol." They all cried, soon joining the other Pokemon to meet and interact.

Will chuckled a little. "To think you'd end up with more Pokemon than me." He said, almost with pride.

"Even if you don't battle as much, nothing says you won't go finding more partners yourself." She replied back to him.

"Yeah! I've been on many adventures and have many Pokemon. Can never have too many friends right?" Ash said with a grin.

"Yeah, you both have a point." He said, his smile remaining. They watched as the Pokemon played and laughed, laughing themselves.

"Oh! It's so lively here today!" Evan said coming down the hall. "It's nice to see such high spirits." He remarked, smiling.

"Morning Evan." The trio all replied.

With all the joy in the room, Ash couldn't help but look towards the door. He thought he had heard something, the feeling of something being off remaining.

Will took notice. "You good Ketchum?" He asked.

"I just thought I heard something. It's probably nothing." The boy replied, but still feeling something out of the ordinary. He couldn't quite place it.

"Alright. Hopefully you aren't stuck doing tests for all that long, you and Pikachu are probably already planning your next big journey huh?" Will asked.

"Not really." Ash said quite simply. "Other than still planning on our battle I think our plan is still to just see where we end up." He explained, Pikachu agreeing.

"I can get what you mean." Serena added on. "Once I'm back in Hoenn I have no idea what's going to await me. If Lisia's plans end up panning out it could involve a lot of traveling. Who could even say what regions I'd get to see?" She continued, seeming hopeful of what awaited her.

Will chuckled. "Well, I'm glad you two have your lives figured out." He joked. "As for me, beyond praying Mom doesn't ground me for eternity I'm- Still not quite sure." He admitted. "Maybe I'll just enjoy being home again for a bit." He laughed a little again. "Maybe I'll go and visit my favorite sister." He said, looking towards Serena. "I just, don't know what comes next."

"Nothing says you have to, I mean you told me they were just going to get on a random plane before you bumped into them." Serena commented.

"It's true." Ash added in.

"Even if we plan or hope, we don't know where we will end up. It's why the journey is half of the fun, unlike the destination, it's guaranteed." Serena continued sharing with encouragement.

~̵͍̺̋̔~̴̰̞͒ Another Story ~̵͍̺̋̔~̴̰̞͒ - A Pokemon FanficWhere stories live. Discover now