"Let's just go." Jaemin whined, "I'm tired of this place."

The two walked out the door to Renjun's car. Jaemin offered to drive, but Renjun declined, saying Jaemin deserved to relax since he was upset. Jaemin rolled his eyes at that statement. Renjun knew him too well.

They arrived at the mall and Jaemin was in high spirits. They had sang their hearts out in the car and talked about their inside jokes. He was starting to forget his worries. The two walked into the mall and Renjun led them to the GAP.

"Of course there's maternity clothes here. It's a family friendly store."

"You better believe it." Renjun said, grabbing some jeans and measuring them up to Jaemin. The whole situation made Jaemin cringe in shame.

Renjun ended up helping Jaemin find a bunch of clothes. Every time Jaemin would ask him to look for clothes for himself, Renjun would say it was much more fun to style Jaemin, since Jaemin had no sense of style. Jaemin started to believe it was just Renjun's plan to cheer him up, but he let the shorter male do as he pleased. He ended up trying on all the clothes, though they didn't really fit yet as his belly was not even close to big. Renjun paid for everything with his card.

"Lucas won't mind if he doesn't know." Renjun grinned cheekily.

Before leaving the checkout aisle, Renjun ran up to a section and picked something up.

"Look!" He smiled, showing Jaemin a small baby onesi. It was fluffy and pink and had bunny ears.

Jaemin didn't mean to coo. He didn't. But he did it anyway. Renjun smirked. Jaemin ignored it and reached behind Renjun to pick up some shoes.

"They're so teeny tiny." He cooed again.

"Look at this!" Renjun showed Jaemin a little fluffy bucket hat.

They spent minutes cooing at all the baby clothes. People were starting to give them weird looks. That's when Jaemin decided it was time to leave the store. The two then went to the food court deciding to eat some fast food. Renjun said he was craving a cheeseburger with lot of pickles.

"So have you thought of any names for your baby?" Jaemin asked.

"I'm not sure, but Mom said she had a name for my baby, so we'll see how it goes and if I like it."

"You're letting her decide?"

"Of course, she named me. I trust her judgement. Renjun smiled, then took a bite of his burger.

Jaemin was jealous. He thought that he should visit his mother soon. He hated going though; it was so hard to be there. She wasn't right in the head. It was like she wasn't the sane anymore. She wasn't really even there anymore. He would prefer not to go alone but didn't want to take Renjun. He had enough to worry about.

"So...what gender is it?" Jaemin asked.

"Every time you talk about our baby's you use 'it.' I wish I could tell you the gender so you can stop referring to my baby as an object," Renjun pouted, "but, you'll have to wait."

"I mean, are you even going to have a gender reveal if your mom's not here? Aren't you leaving to Jilin in like two months?"

"I am." Renjun covered his mouth so Jaemin wouldn't see his eating, "We'll see, maybe you'll just have to wait 'til the baby is born for you to know."

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