Survive vs Masqurade

552 7 4

We see a family moving into an empty house in a neighborhood and inside we see a woman in the kitchen talking to someone on the phone.

Mom: Ok the transfer is good then? Alright sir he'll be their tomorrow thank you. Y/n come on down here and help bring your sister's stuff upstairs.

Then we see our protagonist responding while finishing up his room.

Y/n: "Ok mom!" Said running down the stairs to help

Mom: Oh yeah Y/n, I know that it's hard moving to a new neighborhood and school but I'm sure that you'll be happy here ever since that day.

Y/n: It's fine Mom as long as you and sis is happy, I'm good.

Then we see Y/N's little sister coming down the stairs holding purple color balls and cards in her hands.

Shiro: "Hey big bro I found these in your special hiding place in your room" Said with a playful smirk on her face.

Y/n: Hey, hey! Give me that!

Shiro: "No!" Says running around the house

Y/n: "Yes!" Says chasing after her

After a few chases Shiro suddenly stopped and was starting to pant and cough

Y/n: Whoa Shiro! Your still not feeling well to be doing this kind of stuff!

Shiro: I *pant* thought that we can play some *cough cough*

Mom: Shiro why don't you give back Y/N's things so I can give you your medicine and in the meantime Y/n, why don't you go out and make some new friends that loves playing that Bakugan game and to get a feel of the neighborhood.

Siblings: Ok Mom


Y/N's walking around to get a feel of the new neighborhood that he'll be living at and as he's walking he has a sneaky feeling that he's being watched.

Y/n: Why don't you show yourself already?!

After Y/n said that a blond man with a mask and a white coat walked out of the alley.

?: I have a request for you since we're both Darkus brawlers and it can benefit us both

Y/n: What's the catch?

The Masked man pulls out a weird card

?: This is a Doom Card. This card can send Bakugan to this place known as the Doom Dimension, if you help me I can help with your sister's illness

Y/n grown angry due to his words then grab his Field Card

Y/n: How do you know about her illness! Tell me!

The man was silent but has a smirk on his face

Y/n: If your not gonna tell me then I'll force it out of you!

Y/n&?: Field Open!

The two arrived in the field zone

?:Doom Card set

Y/n&?: Gate Card set!

?: I'll go first, Bakugan brawl! Darkus Reaper stand!

Y/n: 'When it comes to Bakugan, I'm still new but at least my older brother taught me to play before that day he went missing. At the same time, that Reaper is on my Gate Card' Bakugan brawl! Darkus Centipoid stand!

Bakupod: Reaper 390G Centipoid 320G

Y/n: Gate Card open! Character

Centipoid glows in purple light gaining power

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