Wario Stops A School Shooting (High School Wario x Any Gender Reader)

Start from the beginning

Everyone looked in the back of the class to see that Erikur was not there so they remained silent.

"Well guess I'll just mark him abse-" she began before being interrupted by Erikur Swonsogong III screaming at her like a lunatic saying, "I'm right here Mrs. Bognolturbin and I have this very dangerous firearm because I Get No Bitches Mrs. Bognolturbin! And it's because of bitch teachers like you and douchebag like Wario!"

Mrs. Bognolturbin, due to her heart problems and Erikur screaming and jumping suddenly and loudly, immediately died of a heart attack. Causing Erikur to laugh his Erikur laugh.

"Goup-Hyukhuehuehyukgluphuehooo!!" He chuckled quite menacingly with an AR-15 in his right hand and a booger in his left.

Pointing the gun at the class, the entire class was pretty much at his command, sitting silently and being visibly worried. Erikur put the booger in his pants, and I'm sure you can guess where it specifically went.

Wario wasn't like the others though, he was on the move. Erikur asked, "where is Wario? Where's Wario Wario?? Y/N, you and Wario are like this *crosses fingers in gross virgin way* where is he???" He became increasingly impatient and angry.

"He's probably having passionate sex with your mother." You replied, you thought it was a witty little statement that could create a bit of banter.

Erikur began shooting immediately.

"I'm not horsing around, you gunglebun! Where is he!" Erikur shouted.

You had avoided his gunfire by hoping behind the teachers desk, Mrs. Bognolturbin smelled terrible already. You then yelled back "I really have no idea okay! But wherever Wario is, at least he's safe and sexy like usual, unlike you ugly bitch!"

Erikur roared his impressive but utterly pathetic in context roar while continuing to shoot at you, but then, Wario arrived from the inside of a cabinet he escaped into that was behind Erikur after assaulting Mrs. Bognolturbin and her dumbass 10 year old who was "crying" over her death.

"I'm right her you rotten punk!" Wario shouted.

He lifted up Erikur and slammed him to the ground on his back, hard enough to cause him to lose his grip on the gun. Wario grabbed the gun and threw it behind him, he raised a fist and began punching the ever-loving shit out of Erikur Swonsogong III.

He nearly beat Erikur to death due to adrenaline and rage almost completely taking him over, but you stopped him before he got arrested or expelled for murder.

You very clearly stated, in the most repulsive way possible, "baefy, stop it, this isn't you. Look at me. Say one two three, bumblebee. It'll be okay."

Wario at first punched the shit out of you (which you undeniably deserved) but then he stopped.

He apologized for punching you, by giving you a big 'ol smooch, and letting the feds take care of Erikur.

After school ended (school remained open after the death of a teacher and school shooting because the students needed to learn) you asked Wario about the smooch, and he confessed.

"I have been madly in love with you since the second week of our entire school career at Greg. G. Greggor Academic Highschool. Do you... Accept my proposal, Y/N."

There will be Three Endings, choose wisely.

"I need to think about it"

"I'm sorry Wario but, I don't know. I need time to think about it..." You replied.

"Fuck you, that's worse than saying no, Y/N." Wario said.

You and Wario never spoke again.

The End.

The "Yes" option

Oh my goodness, yes Wario! I love you too, and thank you for saving my life too!" You answered to his confession, Wario seemed very pleased.

"Yes! I'm very happy you also love me Y/N, I was very nervous but dealing with that school shooting gave me a massive boost of confidence, I love you.

The both of you remained a couple for the rest of your lives, having a family and making a shit ton of money, and dying in each other's arms due to nuclear missiles being launched into the Mushroom Kingdom killing everyone and creating nuclear war which destroyed the world.

The End.

The "No" option
"No" you replied to his confession, "I'm sorry."

"Bruh really? Alright whatever never talk to me again cause that pisses me off for real you sent all the signals, i received the signal, then you're over here talking about 'no' fuck outta here." Wario responded, as blunt as ever, "this was like a huge money-making and just like love opportunity for both of us, congrats on throwing that away, Y/N."

You and Wario never spoke again.

The End.

Wario X reader (any gender) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now