---Chapter 4

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Tw: gore cannibalism??

You and Sanford decorated your room, it turned out stunning. Your room was next to Deimos' and the opposite of Hank's room.
You flopped on your bed and stared at the celling, wondering why do you trust these people so much, why do you have hate towards Hank? Why do you keep having butterflies in your stomach when one of them kept eyecontact with you or just got close to you face? Then, you heard someone yell.
?: Y/N, come here I want you to meet someone!

You quickly got up, and exited your room. You were greeted by Deimos and Doc. Sanford was curently sleeping. They looked at you and you was a tall black figure behind them. You took notice of that and stared at them with a questioning look.
You: what's up? Why'd you call me?
They only stared at eachother, and huffed.
Doc: we want you to meet, Hank. One of our buddies.
Hank, then took a step forward, his chest in front. He looked down at you with a serious look.
Something inside you has been triggered.
That was the last straw.


You tackled him down, adrenaline pumping in your veins, holding Hank by his shoulders as you growled at him. Why were you feeling this angry? What has gotten into you?


You fucking bit his shoulder.
Your teeth sinked in his skin, the only thing he could do is stay there. He didnt admit, but he liked the pain he felt. Hank only smirked while you were trying to chomp his shoulder off.

Sanford grabbed your hands and held them tightly behind your back, pushing your chest against Hank's. Deimos and Doc were stunned, they didnt know what to do.
Hank told them to calm down and tried grabbing your wrists with one hand.
You harshly bit his arm, only making him shiver and let out a grunt. He pushed you in his room, and tied your hands on his chair. You shot him a low glare. Your teeth were showing.
He gripped your jaw, making you look at him. He rubbed his thumb against your lips, making your teeth fully visible. You bit his finger.

Hank: i like your attitude.

You: Oh, shut up already.
I do not like you, at all.

He tried covering your mouth with cloth but you managed to struggle out of the ropes grip. You wanted to get out of his room, you didnt feel safe around him. But once you ran towards the door and put your hand on the handle, you fellt pain in your ankles. Hank fucking kicked your ankles making you fall to the ground whimpering in pain. You curled up into a ball and saw him towering over you. His muscular arms grabbing you by the collar of your shirt and kicking you out of his room.

Hank: You're no fun.
He said in his raspy monotone voice

The other three man stared in disbelief at you.
Deimos: What has gotten into you Y/N??!
Doc was lost in his thoughts muttering words under his mask.
Sanford offered you a hand.
Sanford: Cmon, back to your room.
Y/N: I'm sorry. I don't know what happened to me.
Sanford: It's okay now, no need to worry about that buff guy, he's just kind of grumpy.
Getting back on your feet, you went to your room embarrassed and angry.
You plopped on your comfy bed and buried your head in the fluffy pillows.
You wanted to disappear.
You felt guilty.
But Sanford told you not to worry, he told you that it was alright. You didn't know who to believe. Yourself or Sanford.

Ok sooo i'm back and ill be able to write more chapters soon!!
Ill keep yall updated!

I had some personal stuff going on but right now I'm ok 👍

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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