---Chapter 1

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TW: gore (i think?)

Pov: 3rd person (idk anymore)

Darkness is all you saw.


You began slowly to lift your eyelids, being greeted with a dim lighted room.
It didnt take you long to realise that you were inside a capsule of some sorts, thin but long tubes were inside your body.

You didnt think much of them and yanked them out, it didnt hurt that much. After youve thrown the tubes on the ground the capsule opened. You grunted being met with the ground, you got up and examined the place you woke up in.

There were multiple wanted posters you didnt even want to mention, you felt your hand creeping across a pair of scrissors since you were programmed to fight. You took the scissors and examined them for a bit until the door opened, shock overwhelming you. Turning your head towards the door there were agents, multiple that came and released the people that were also captured in capsules. The agents didnt even pay attention to you as they returned where shooting sounds came from, only one of them yelled, "FIGHT!"

The other grunts walked out like some kind of robots programmed to obey but you only stood still and thought.
*What do I have to do? Who do I obey? Do I even obey someone? I have to get out of here somehow.*

You felt your hands twitch madly as adrenaline rushed in. You were confused but at the same time understanding.

Your mind told you to run and get out of there.

So thats what you did, you walked through the door and held the scissors tightly trying to spot people that came to attack you.

"028! What are you doing?! You are here because we need more fighters, do you understand?? DONT DISSAPOINT ME, OBEY!"
That made your blood boil with rage.

Your hand clunched the scissors and quickly stabbed the soldats skull, blood gushed out and splattered your face.

You retired your weapon and the body fell flat on the floor causing a puddle of yellow blood to surround it. You only stared.
Getting past that moment you began searching for and exit but a bunch of agents came in trying to drag you out of there, you struggled free and sliced some of their faces in half. Grabbing a pistol off the ground you aimed at the other ones succesfuly shooting them. You werent sane at the moment, too much blood overwhelming you to kill more.

You went down the stairs, reading a sign on the wall saying "1st floor" You followed the EXIT signs so you could get out of this mad building. While you were walking through the hall you noticed many agents having their guts out, limbs scattered around, neck cracked, spine snapped and blood prints on the walls, you dragged your hand along the blood on the wall until you heard a door open.

Stopping in your tracks you stood still for 1 minute thinking what to do, you grabbed an AK-47 with a grenade launcher near the muzzle and hid behind a pillar. Noticing 2 people, you tried to get a good look at the before pointing your gun at them. One of them was wearing a headset and a cap, followed by a coat and a radio on their back, they were smoking a cig. The other one was holding some hook kind of thing with a rope attached to it, they were wearing a bandana  around their head and a bunch of bandages wrapped around their abdominal area, oh did I mention they had black circle shades?

-Who Am I?- [ Madness Combat x GN!reader ]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora