---Chapter 3

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Tw: gore

I woke up feeling weak again, god did I hate that feeling. I wanted to feel powerful again. I slighly opened my eyes adjusting to the bright light that shone in my face. I was Doc sitting next to me on an armchair with a book in his hand, the other mixing his cup of tea. After silently glaring at him I noticed he didnt have his mask on. Suprised, my eyes were widend by now so I could get a better view. I tried not to make noise, I inspected his features. He was oddly comforting, his aura sent me 'chill person' vibes.
2 minutes passed and it seemed like he noticed me somehow, it was like his Spidey-sense activated or something. He lifted his gaze from the book to me and asked me with a puzzled look
Doc: Am I really that ugly?
He chuckled lowly

His chuckle sent shivers down my spine, I maintained eye contact with him while I got myself in a better position.
You: No, it's just that you look like a cool person to hang out with.
Doc: I see, thank you.
And with that, he covered his face once again. I slighly frowned and he seemed to see that.
He lightly cleared his throat,
Doc: Subject SG-028, purpose is unknown, job: engineer. May I ask you how did you manage to escape the capsule you woke up in?
Your heart sinked to your stomach, but you kept eye contact, and a serious face spread on your face.
You rose your hand asking for permission to ask a question before answering his question.
Doc: What is it?
You: How did you know i was inside a capsule when I woke up?
Doc: I may or may not have access to some of the security cameras around A.A.H.W bases. But that doesnt involve you. Now please may you answer my question?
Sitting there you thought to yourself, was it a good idea to talk to this guy? Was it a good idea to even help San and Dei? You exhaled rather loudly, seeming uncomfortable.
You: I dont actually know, Im sorry. I just woke up feeling dizzy and funky, there were tubes attached to my body. My shoulders my back my neck and upper legs. I was the first one to wake up.
Doc: That explains it, did you obey anyones orders?
You: No, I make my own orders.
Doc: mhm, I see your situation.
He got closer to your face inspecting it. You burned a beed crismon blush. What was this feeling? He tucked some or your hair behind your ear and cupped your left cheek, he slowly dragged his thumb across your bottom lip showning your sharp teeth. He poked your upper cannine tooth and flinched, after 5 second a tiny drop of blood fell from his finger.
Doc: Hm. Can you munch on this?
He gave you a wooden popcicle stick, you gave him a tired look just wanting to go to sleep and took the stick in between your teeth. After 1 minute, you spit out the popcicle stick grunting. You chewed the stick into splinters. You quickly got out any remaining splinters out of your mouth while Doc just watched writing everything he saw.
Doc gave you a sweet look before nodding.
Doc: It seems like you have really sharp teeth, but i still dont identify the cause of this.
He gave your his cup of tea to clear up your mouth from the taste of wood.
You thanked him and took a sip, he put down his clipboard and put a hand on your shoulder.
Doc: Youre free to go, if you have any other aches or pains, come down here. I wont be busy for the next few hours.
You just nodded regaining you balance and walking off, waving a small goodbye to Doc.
The doors opened at my presence and I climbed up the stairs, thinking what should I do now. I think ill just head off in the living room.

I slow walked through the large hall, that had doors on each side of it. I guess these are their rooms. On the way to the living room I saw they had some photo frames hung on the wall, i slowed down looking at the photos. I saw a figure that looked oddly familiar, black clothing, bandages and.. red goggles.
I felt my eye twitch, I was confused why my hatred was triggred by this person. I looked away and walked faster. I saw Deimos and Sanford in the kitchen, i quickly sent them a stare and dropped on the sofa, my back was facing them.

Deimos: Hey! 028, Doc got us more info about you, whats up?
You just slowly looked over your shoulder with a death stare, not on purpose of course but, you werent in the mood for a talk right now but Deimos seemed to push in.
He slowly tip toed next to you trying to scare you, but you didnt even flinch. You stood there lost in your thoughts.

Deimos: Eyy, we never got your name, if you have one of course.
You: No, i do not exactly have one.
Deimos: Do you want to have one? Of so we can pick one for ya!
He said in a happy tone.
I just lifted my head looking at him.

Deimos: we can name you hm, Charlie, Alex, OH no no wait, I think Kai would fit you!
You: Y/N. That would seem nice
Deimos: YOO why didnt I think of that? That's a sick name mate!
Sanford: Quiet down you two! Hank just arrived and he is taking a nap in his room.


You straightened up fixing your posture once you heard the name, you were oddly creeped out by yourself, your hands started twitching. Deimos seemed to notice your behavior.

Deimos: Hey man, are you alright? You seem nervous about something. Is everything okay?

You: May I go to the bathroom.?
You felt like throwing up all of a sudden.

Sanford rushed to the both of you, with a worried look.
Sanford: go straight along the hall, after 2 doors to your right there is the bathroom.
He said with a stern face.

You rushed there, within 5 seconds you were there busting down the door spilling your guts in the toilet. Your whole body was now twitching uncontrollably.
You threw up a little too much, making some of your blood showed up on your lips dripping to your chin. Deimos and Sanford catched up and saw you all weak with your hands on the toilet seat. Sanford kneeled down, rubbing you back.
Sanford: Deimos, go get the vomiting medicine from Doc's office!
He hugged you tightly, you now felt butterflies fly in your stomach.
Sanford: Cmon, Y/N. Breathe with me.
I breathed heavily, trying to recollect myself but only 2 minutes later to see my own blood in the toilet bowl, i quickly flushed the toilet waiting for more.
Deimos stumbled down the hall, throwing the tiny box of ani-vomiting band aids and some medicine. Sanford catched them and lifted my shirt up, first putting a band aid on my lower stomach. I felt eased up, i quickly rinsed my mouth with water from the sink and took the medicine. I tried to controll myself, breathing rapidly.

With one big sigh, i felt okay.
Sanford took your shoulder, and walked you to the sofa. He set you down bringing some tea for your stomach. This tea was just like Doc's. You drank all of it and got yourself comfortable on the sofa.

Deimos: feeling any better?
You: much better than before, that's for sure. I still dont kmow the cause of me throwing my guts like that.
Deimos: Hey, the cause is not important right now.
You: youre right.

Sanford quietly cuddled up with you.

Sanford: I almost forgot to ask you Y/N, do you want to have your own room? You could decorate it and stuff.
You: yeah that seems nice. Thanks, Sanford.
I gave him a warm smile, he seemed to lighten up once he saw my face. Only for him to stuff his face in my lap. I giggled and felt myself drift in a sweet peaceful dream.


-Who Am I?- [ Madness Combat x GN!reader ]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat