---Chapter 2

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TW: gore

Pov: author p.o.v

You woke up, body feeling numb, head sore and every inch of you in pain. Sobbing quietly you tried to note your surroundings, noticing you were in the same place the explosion happend. You groaned annoyed.

You tried to get on your feet, but failed in seconds landing on you knees. You bit your bottom lip sucking up the pain, and finally got up. You were covered in ashes and dried blood.

Trying to make your first step you groaned as you felt like stepping on glass. Your body felt like a ton off bees stingers were in your skin.

Exiting the room where you woke up, you felt fresh air breezing in, well not exactly fresh because the bodies were rotting, some were burned to dust. Walking along the path, you saw the exit, youve never felt this happy.

Jogging to the exit, ignoring the pain you watched as you walked on the dead agents. Until you saw the so called Deimos. He had a huge wound on his back probably from the glass scattered around.

You thought for a moment, should I help him? No, he literaly tried to choke me! But, hes in pain. YOU DO NOT CARE.
Making a step forward you stumbled across a medkit

Fuck it.

Turning him around you checked him pulse.
You: Thank god.

Wraping Deimos' chest in elastic bandages, you sighed knowing youll regret this later. You got up and also saw Sanford, rushing up to him you felt guilt as you didnt see him earlier.

Sanford was heavily injured in his right forearm, you swore you could see his bone if you took a closer look.
Wrapping his arm in, you ran out of bandages. Groaning annoyed you ripped your t-shirt, transforming it in a crop top. Wrapping the shirt around his arm it began soaking in blood, hopefully he wouldnt mind.

Getting up from your crouched position you stand straight up looking down at them, you limped to the exit putting your hand on the handle but you started getting thoughts.

Should I stay with them?
Where would I go if i escape them?
Wait, I havent even taken care of my wound.
Why do I have to think like this?!

Punching your hand against the wall you silently sighed, and decided to wait for them to wake up. Curling up in a ball beside them you whined as you felt your hair scratching the wound on your face. You began drifting to sleep.

Sanford Pov:

I woke up feeling warm, I felt two arms around my chest holding on me tightly. I opened my eyes and took a look around, I was still here. I turned around and to my suprise I see Deimos with a peacefull look on his face sleeping like a log. I looked at my body feeling a sting of pain in my right arm. It was bandaged with some kind of t-shirt. In the corner of the room I was a figure that i couldnt recognize. They had their head between their knees and their wounded hands on top of it. Because of the yellow blood from the arm, I was able to know who they were.

Your Pov:

I felt watched, so I raised my head looking around until I saw Sanford woke up. I kinda froze there and waited for him to say something. I sniffed, and continuted to stare at him with my half opened eyelids. That moment was akwardly comforting, until I decided to speak up.
You: Are we going to just stare at eachother like psychopaths?
Sanford: Shush it, Deimos' sleeping.

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