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                                                                                                  long chapter ahead
Finally, you all returned home. Once you arrived back to Boston, you had a sleep over.

the sleepover|| You had arrived to Boston and you all agreed on having a sleepover. "What movie do you wanna watch?" Matt asked everyone. Chris answered,"The Exorcist!" "HELL NO!" you, Nick and , Matt answered in unison. "That movie is way too damn scary," you added. "Agreed," Matt and Nick say. "You guys are no fun," Chris says disappointed. "If you think us having nightmares for a month is "fun", then you are out of your mf mind," you tell him. "Ok then what do you WANT to watch?" Chris questioned. "Something scary but not too scary bc I don't want nightmares," you answer. Nick suggests you all watch Halloween. Everyone agreed but you didn't answer. "We all agree on Halloween?" Nick asks. Matt and Chris nod their head yes. "Y/n, do you wanna watch it?" "Uhm- sure I guess," you answer. Chris whispers in your ear, "You can cuddle me if you get scared." That made you feel better. You nod. The boys finish all the snacks before the movie even ended. You are about 30 minutes into the movie and you have been cuddling Chris ever since the movie started. Soon enough, you fall asleep next to Chris. When you wake up, you realize that the boys are still watching and you've only been asleep for a couple of minutes. You try to go back to sleep but you get scared from all the things that you can hear, so you grab Chris's hand and squeeze it. You cuddle up into his neck and make yourself comfortable. The next morning you wake up to all the boys sound asleep and you get up to brush your teeth then make everyone breakfast. You get out the waffle mix and start to make everyone each 3 waffles. The boys start to wake up after a while and go to the bathroom to also brush their teeth. They all come to the kitchen just in time for breakfast. You were just finishing pouring syrup on the waffles. "Woah thanks I'm literally starving y/n," Nick says excited to start eating. You all sit at the table and eat quietly while on your phones scrolling through tiktok. Everyone finishes breakfast and takes their plates to the sink. "k guys I should get going now, it was fun staying with you all. thank you so much for letting me come with you to LA," you tell them. "Cant you stay for just one more day y/n?" Nick asks you. "Sure but I have to text my mother," you answer.

~birth giver~
you- Mom can I stay at their house for just one more day please
your mom- But you went on vacation and already had a sleepover with them yesterday
you- yea but I want to stay with them, I love spending time with them
your mom- ok, just be safe and don't do anything stupid please
you- ok tysm mom ily❤️

You tell the boys that she said yes and they boys fill with excitement. "Do any of you want a second breakfast?" Chris asks. "Chris, I just made you all breakfast, but sure ig," you answer. Nick adds, "So what are we getting?" "Hash from McDonald's?" Chris asks. You and Chris love hash from mcd's so ofc, you say yes. "Yea sure." Matt drives you all the the McDonald's drive through and you all decide that it's a good opportunity to make a video. You will be answering questions. You answered about 7 questions before this one came, "I hope y/n dies today she doesn't deserve to be with chris, I do, she's using him and she's a b!tch." It wasnt even a question. The boys look at you with confused faces. You look at Chris and you can tell that he's pissed. Nick stops the camera before anything bad happened. Nick was always your best friend. He always knew how to comfort you and make you feel safe and loved. Nick knew for a fact that it wasn't true. Chris believed it though. "Chris, I swear it's not true, I'm not using you," you tried to explain. He ignored you. Matt looked at you with no expression. He didn't know who to believe, you, or the other person. Matt just drove you all home and when you got there you went straight to Nick's room, signaling him to come with you. "Look y/n, i know it's not true, you would never do that to anyone," Nick tells you. "Yea but why would they say that about me?" you ask genuinely confused. Just then you hear a knock at the door. It's Chris. "Nick can you uhm talk to him?" you ask him. "Yea, of course y/n," Nick answers. You sit on the bed waiting even though you know he's gonna be mad if he sees you. "Hello?" Chris says knocking again. Nick goes to the door and opens it only putting his head through the slightly opened door so he didn't see you. "Can I talk to y/n?" Chris asks Nick. "No, you cant. Just talk to me," Nick tells him. Chris begs Nick to let him talk to you but he keeps refusing. Soon enough, Chris tries to push the door open and successfully does. "Y/n, was that fck!ng true?" Chris asks you mad. "NO!" you tell him angry that he actually believes such a thing. Nick defends you and says, "Why would you believe that?! Y/n would never do anything close to what they said. Not even to you and you're a miserable little b!tch. I can't believe you Chris. Get out my room." Chris storms out the room. He didn't talk to you for about 2 hours before leaving a note under Nick's door saying sorry. You excused yourself from the room and went to Chris's room to find him on his phone with a red eyes from crying. You didn't knock, you just walked in. "Why didn't you knock?" he asks you. "Sorry, I just wanted to come here and say that I accept your apology," you answer. You walk up to him and plant a kiss on his lips. "I hate you idiot." "I love you too y/n." "We good?" Chris asks. "We're good."

to the moon and back || christopher sturnioloحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن