steve pipes in "when i got flowers for peg back before the ice, i got her simple red roses and white lillies, all htough they are assosiated with death they are still beautiful and simple and classic"

"you boys dont get it, this is not just any valentines day this is our first valentines day together ever and i want it to be perfect, and the only way i could garuntee 100% perfection was if i had acsess to wild violets, dc cherry blossoms, and apple blossoms from the tree back yard but saddly we are covered in snow right now, and i dont want classic, i want special like her, something that nat would like that i also think of her when i see them"

"hes right abut roses, and im sure nat would love them she wont care about what type of flower you get her, as long as they are from you, also im sure the second you get there alex will know just what flowers to get for her, she is good like that" he smiled as he took the pot of coffee up to his room.

after talking with clint she threw on the red leather jacket she had stolen from nat 3 years ago when they met and a simple grey hat and headded to her car.

she drove for a while. a playlist nat had made her played softly in the background, the song that was was playing was the song that played the night after they had announced to the compound they were dating. it also happended to be the song playing at the stark party the night they kissed for the first time hiding in a small coat closet to escape the noise of the others hollaring and betting on who could lift thors hammer, the moment was one that the memories came flodding back to the small witch as she pulled up to the small flower shop. the shop had a small wooden sign that read in forest green caligraphy "ALEX'S BLOSSOMS AND FLORAL ARANGEMENTS" . the shop owner was a good friend of Nats, who wanda had met before when they came in to pick up the flowers for tony and peppers wedding, there were nly a few other people there when she endered the store. its usual bell rang out a a small white dog came running to her feet.

she got down on the small dogs level and scratched the back of his ear. "hi there luigi i see your mama is putting you in themed sweaters again" the dog had on a pink and red striped sweater with little white hearts, she walked around the store for a bit occasionally stopping to look at the beautiful blooms and arangements of rosesm in about any shape possible. she stopped at a bunch of wild flowers, it was perfect accept it was missing the violets nat had always talked about violets. "its the violets isnt it" a voice said from behind her. she turned around to see the shop owner Alex. she had short faded pink hair her glasses had finger prints on them fromt the dirt and general colours that are picked up from tending flowers all day. "nat loves violets, there some of her favourites other that roses, she loves them because of how wild they are, shes told me many times how she wishes violets could grow year round" wanda smiled "hey alex" she said.

"hey wanda" alex said wiping her hands off on the denim apron she was wearing over top of a matching red turtleneck sweater that matched her dogs. she went over to the bouquet of wild flowers and pulled it out of its water bucket and removed it from its plastic "hey i have an idea, i just cut a bunch of violet and black magic roses, and i think they will fit it perfectly" she raced to the back and came out with 6 of each type of rose and started artfully placing them witht eh wild flowers. wanda watched in aw as the woman quickly placing each flower in a perfect place as if it knew where it wanted to go. and soon enough she had created the perfect bunch of flowers. "if you ask me i think tash will love it" alex said as she wrapped the flowers in brown paper before tying them off with her signature green ribbon and sealing the tag with a purple wax seal with a small saturn ebeleshment a signature of her shop almost. "i love it" wanda said as she pulled out the money to pay for it "alex you once again saved the day," wanda said as she gave the small dog a quick pet before making her way back to her red car.

before driving home she called clint he didnt pick up so she assumed since it was later in the afternoon thathe probably fell back asleep "hey clint would you mind please setting up the stuff getitng to alexs took longer that expectedi should be home soon"

when she got back she found the dining room had been set for two just as she had asked, and a not from clint that said "i told you alex knows her stuff you little love otters have fun ,from clint"

wanda smiled at the term love otters. she quickly race up stairs to finish cleaning herself up. she swithched from her jeans and flanell to a red silk coctail dress with one sleave that ran down her arm in red lace. she unbraided her hair and curled it. just as she was finishing. a black car pulled up and the the tall older blonde stepped out racing inside. wanda grabbed the bouquet of flowers from the bed and slowly made her way down stairs. "WANDs im back im sorry i missed most of valentin--- OH Wands you look absolutly beautiful"

"hi" she said tucking the flowers behind her back as her girl friend set her coat on the hook by the door. "i wanted to surprise you" she said handing the flowers to natasha "i know there not violets and since it was out first valentines day i wanted do do something not roses so im sorry if you dont like them i know you are not one for overly fan---" natasha cut her off with a kiss wanda felt every muscle in her stomach tense as a spark o energy shot through her "wanda darling i dont care what flowers you get me, you could go out side and pick me a single dandilion fromt he garden and i would love it, or you could pick me a singe red rose or even guild me a lilly and i wouldnt care what it was, i would care because it was from you, and frankly i love these black and red roses with the soft reds and blues of the wild flowers,"

"so you like the flowers" Wanda said as Natasha took the small witch by the waist and pulled her close "yes" at this point wandas face was redder than nats own frosty rose cheeks "and i didt spoil our first valentines day" nat pulled the small witch into a hug "of course you didnt love, you made it better because you spent all this time trying to make it perfect, i was planing on taking you to dinner but you spent all day finding flowers for me, and thats why i love you, you focus on the little things, you want whats best for everyone, and that my darling is why i wouldnt want to call any one else my valentine" wanda felt her self melt from the inside out hearing her term of endearment, it ment one thing that nat liked the flowers but it ment so much more to nat that it was her. it was all she ever wanted in the world. all she had wanted was to love someone with all her being and to have someone share that love in return.

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