I was lost in my thoughts when Seulgi looked at me.

"Hi." She breathes out and I nod.

I was busy, I couldn't even attend the "family" dinner tonight. I heard that Y/n made jjamppong. The food was brought to my room, so I couldn't see her as I ate the food she made, but I know she would've wanted to see my reaction.

I went and collected some files that I needed from my desk.

"Jimin." Seulgi calls before I left. "You'll work late?" She asks.

"Yeah. I'll be sleeping in my office." I said continuing my steps.

"Okay. But…" she paused which made me stop in my tracks. "I just wanted to say that we're both going through very weird time now, and I want you to know that I'll give you as much time as you need." She said.

I liked that she was straight to the point, without making it a mess. But I didn't like the fact that I can't tell her the truth. I didn't want time from her, I wanted time from Y/n. I wanted some time to talk to her and explain her, but that wasn't possible right now because of my own plan and everything else going on. Only if Y/n wanted to speak to me, I would've made things a little less shitty between us.

"Oh and also Y/n wanted to talk to you." Seulgi said which made me face her and she nods assuring.

I frown to myself, but walked out anyway, wanting to know what Y/n wants to talk about.

[Y/N's POV]

The weather was getting really good for a nice sleep as it was drizzling and the sounds of the raindrops was like a soothing music.

But I couldn't help but feel sad, just a few more weeks than I'll be organizing a wedding. I should try becoming a event organiser sometime.

I look at the clock. 9:13pm.

"Let's sleep early tonight then." I said to myself and flop myself on the bed, feeling cozy as the slightly cold mattress made contact with my skin.

Just as I was settling myself in the bed, I heard the door knock. I couldn't get more annoyed, but got on my feet, fighting away the annoyed frown on my face.

I opened the door to see Jimin.

Why is he here? Wasn't he supposed to be with Seulgi right now?

"What did you wanted to talk about?" He asked as he enters himself in my room.

I frowned at his question.

"Talk about what?" I ask and he nods turning to me.

"Seulgi informed me that you wanted to talk." He said.

"Seulgi? No I didn't-" I stopped and sighed as I remembered.

"…talk about it with him…"

I look up at his eyes and he was waiting for me to speak. I couldn't say anything as there were millions things to talk about, but I needed to choose one, for starters.

"If you have changed your mind already, then you could've told Seulgi, and not wasted my time, our time. I have lots of work."  He said and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Really? Then I'm so sorry to disturb your precious Seulgi's time and yours too." I said and he rolled his eyes.

He started walking towards the door.

"Also one thing, please don't break her heart like you did to me. Take care of her and talk to her, I don't want you not trying, just like I did not." I added, which made him turn to face me.

"I broke your heart?" He asked.

"Yes. You did." I said and he scoffs.

"You are getting the facts wrong here Y/n. You were the one who broke my heart. First you hide about the pregnancy, then the miscarriage happened. Also you were more eager to get me married. You agreed so quickly, I thought you'd say no but maybe I expected more." He said.

"I wasn't eager for anything. And I already told you why I didn't tell you about the pregnancy, and I didn't lose the baby on purpose. I'm not that heartless. I'm not heartless like you are!" I said.

"So now I'm heartless?" He snickered.

"Then what am I supposed to call you? My lover!? Don't you remember what you told me on the day of your ceremony? It broke my heart Jimin. I didn't expect that from you." I said.

"Exactly Y/n, I didn't expect this from you too." He said and turn around again.

"…make sure that both of you are not angry…"

I was angry. I was blamed for things and feelings I never felt.
He thinks that he wasn't my priority. He thinks that I never cared about his feelings. He thinks that I made him go through this pain for a revenge. He thinks that I didn't love him. When none of it was true.

I wanted to stop him, but I was too angry at this point.

He slams the door behind him as he left.

I really sometimes hate you Jimin.


I was walking towards Taehyung's room, as I was angry but at the same time had tears in my eyes.

He allows me in and I sat myself down on his bed, head resting on my palms.

"You told her what we discussed?" He asked and I nod.


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